Another somewhat obscure (and to me, very contrary to the old game) use of the carrier rules?
You can land already existing planes on a just-built carrier!
- planes may noncom to an empty sea zone, and wait in the air
- while a fresh carrier is produced and rolled off the blocks
- the planes then are allowed to land during the “place units” phase
- even though this is not possible without the new carrier.
If I remember the rules, you cannot however place a newly created plane onto an already existing carrier (waiting next to the factory). In the old game, in order to put a viable fleet down, you had to save enough $$ to buy the carrier and planes at the same time. The rule above makes this move obsolete.
Here is another trick; you can use the kamikazes to ruin an American SZ6 invasion.
US attacks with 3 BB, 3 CA with planes, 2 DD, 2 Subs
Target each carrier with 2 kamikazes. Do not need (or want) contest the upcoming battle in any other way.
any carrier hit (or destroyed) by kamikaze cannot hold planes. unless the US also owns Korea or has extra carriers, all the planes on the now-damage carrier instantly crash without any further combat. If you do engage any ANY combat, the planes or carriers may be used as (“free”) causalities, so the trick is lessened in effect (and the general ineffectiveness of kamikaze since they roll 2)