• Also keep in mind If Italy goes for Cairo then the axis are leaving Gibraltar open for US landing and If Calcutta falls then japan is weak on oil money islands. So there’s a payoff and a risk. It shouldn’t be to easy for either one to fall without some axis risks in any game.

  • “Operation Lonnie” tomorrow Saturday at 8 am.
    I’ll try to get it up live stream with cameras a little closer to most action.
    Game report after that.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    6cfdc7d5-1627-40dd-97b9-a68096170a4c-image.jpeg https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1236816070

    Game recording

    Game report later today. Could call it a draw or maybe allies win but

  • Ok. The game ended to the conclusion of allies would probably win based on income and time.
    But we have a great situation that may give the axis a win by giving Samara a victory point since it’s the new capital in game for Russia.

    I will post pic where Germany is in game and they have the opportunity or need to attack Stalingrad or capture Samara and hold for 31 points and probably win the game.

    This is great based how there’s a ton of action by the urals after Moscow falls.
    Moscow falls allies still in game. This is so cool
    To see this based on no game like it.

    Ok. Report later today. Will post pic after Germany decides what to do and maybe redo a few different scenarios for Germany’s combat moves and out come for a win.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer


    Ok. This is where the game ended for Germany and Russia. But if you give Samara a victory
    Point now and if game continues which it will next time. Germany on turn 6 now which is winter and Russian inf defend +1 has to go for Stalingrad for 2 points and hold for a win or take Samara for 1 point and hold the Russian attack from Stalingrad to deny a axis win or survive a Stalingrad attack. Will play both scenarios out and post pics and results. Ger if had paratroopers could destroyer the tankograd factory to if they had them.
    The Russian fighters came from retreating when Moscow fell knowing you would need them to counter help attacks or defense.
    This time Germany has no planes here. Defending Berlin and taking back and forth in Paris to help not lose the 3 points there but keep in mind USa plays.
    Sweet !

    Also Russia failed to capture the SS inf in Tambov to block Germany from attacking Samara. That hurts

  • @general-5-stars Nice ! Fun looking game : )

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Ok. I ended up just using the hit ave for the pieces now in pic of Germany attacking Stalingrad based on doesn’t have enough to attack Samara for an extra point. So Germany does take Stalingrad.
    Then the Russians counter out of samara to deny Germany 2 points and a possible win. With just using ave hits the Germans hold Stalingrad with 1-3 SS tanks also based on if Germany brings the strategic bomber to the first battle.

    So this is something you never see in a game but here. After Moscow falls Russia needs to stay on there toes or other wise will lose out in this area. If Samara falls then axis gets a victory point. Plus anytime Moscow is liberated and falls Russia keeps just half there money.
    If samara is the capital and falls same thing. Lose half there money but keep rest. If both Moscow and Samara fall then Russia is not a nation no more. So now allies can land in Russia.

    Pics show attack on Stalingrad then the end of Russia’s turn counter.

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  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    the game we had on Saturday came down to a draw based on 3 players had to leave early so we couldn’t roll out the above post for Stalingrad.

    Had a new player as Germany and he came flying out of the gates with total push to Moscow even though the Allies had joint strike NA.
    Then the US did a move towards the MED and into the Med against Italy’s navy based on they where sitting off coast of Gib after going for it. That hurt and Italy lost all navy and Germany had to bail them out for a few turns. But then the UK had total control in the Med to block any victory points from axis as far as Tunis (1), 7 island group (1) and no problem holding Cairo (2).
    He did offer help to Calcutta but was turned down and Calcutta did fall later in game. :dizzy_face:
    So with US going to Med it delayed the normal Joint strike in France with UK but the allies were able to take Paris and all ways get back by end of turn to help block a axis victory early.

    As in pic Oslo fell but Germany took it back but then UK US will take again on there turns.

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  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    On the Pacific side Japan went down to the Dutch oil islands and attacked the Dutch fleet and also did its assaults on china some what. So they could grab some quick money. But in the mean time the US started to go for the Island group bonus money and at one time had all 8 3 island groups ( 5 icps each group ) for a 40 icp bonus plus its normal 90 income.
    So with this scenerio the US was pumping more money in Europe side and japan never really contested the islands or 2 until a bit later in game. The denied 1 group only.

    Then over time Anzac was able to get Dutch islands back with a bit of help from US and the Japan went for Calcutta and got it. But now it left the door open for the US to land in Hong Kong to take away a victory point and hold it. Pic below will show you that. Other option is for FEC to park fleet and 6 ground for Malaya off coast and US follow in with 14 ground with there fleet and china move 1 stack with UK to Hong Kong and other stack up to Thailand. It will take 2 turns before Japan can really attack there.


    It was an awesome game considering Germany had a first time player in this game. But a major veteran of axis and allies so no worry’s. Axis went for a quick win but with Italy making a mistake and Japan probably not doing a few more things early cost them a bit. But as mentioned in the post above about Stalingrad battle there is 1 chance on turn 6 for axis if they can influence a strict neutral ( Spain or Turkey ) can get a victory point for 30 points with the dice gods going in Germany’s favor to take and hold Stalingrad.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    As for tech and national Advantages charts show you what each country has and 7 techs this game and they were pretty cool to see some different ones for a change.


  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    As for the Stalingrad battle discussed in a earlier post above this is what the end of turn 6 would look like. To bad russia didn’t get a fighter for lend lease. Instead it was a tank and had to go down to northern Iran based on other box placements under axis control.
    Plus Russia cannot move either factory based on no build if moved and besides needs to defend Samara. Or take back.


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @general-5-stars looks like some of the Americans got tangled up off of Pas de Calais lol.

    Good action here

  • @general-5-stars

    Great game report - lot of action:+1:

  • Thanks gents. Looks like we have Russia rules pretty much done.

  • 4A0FF0FD-F954-4FD4-B1A1-3BC24800FEA8.jpeg

    Rat Patrol ? Hmmm

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Well based on history for game as usual the Rat Patrol for US did not exist. It was the UK Long Range Desert Rats. They did exist in 40.
    Here we will place 2 Desert Rats vehicles in Egypt on setup. Here’s the values and rules for them. Of course maybe tweaked.
    C0 A4 D2 M2.

    1. Cannot buy in game. Once killed there gone.

    2. Can move into and out of the Sahara desert.

    3. Gets a first strike shot if attacking alone or with another desert rat unit and defender is removed with out a return shot.

    4. Gets a first strike shot attacking with other UK units and or Allie units. Defenders choice of casualty with a no return defend shot.

    5. If they miss shot on attack the defender gets a defense shot. If defender misses desert rat, it can retreat to the desert or other territory.

    6. They can only attack the northern territories of Africa. Morocco- Egypt.

    7. They can travel the whole desert and come out and attack any Northern Territory. Traveling across the desert does not count as a move.

    8. They can damage an air base. Roll a d6 for damage.
      If the desert rats do a TSA on an airbase with enemy units there,
      the enemy units would get a -2 on there defense rolls based on
      desert rat speed. If they survive then each rat can do a 1d6 roll for
      damage on air base.
      So like they can pop out of desert or Egypt into Tobruk and hit
      airbase if they survive and then move back into desert or another
      land territory.

    9. Cannot control a territory.

  • @general-6-stars YES! You need a Rat Patrol Rule. I’m watching that show right now.

  • @imperious-leader said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    @general-6-stars YES! You need a Rat Patrol Rule. I’m watching that show right now.

    US didn’t have these in real war. Unless your just looking for game play or fantasy.

  • @general-6-stars

    The 3D Print play pieces look great.

    The rules seem okay for an initial play testing.

    Naturally, the Historical scale & size of the Desert Rat formations must be ignored in this game play - since the number of Commonwealth troops that served within this unit was limited, compared to the size of fx a German Panzer Division etc.

    I’ll look forward to your play testing results.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Sorry captain. These are not the 3d pieces. These are from the AA miniatures.

    IF the 3d pieces don’t work out I’ll paint these UK and Place 2 in Egypt only. At least I will have a couple pieces that can go into and out of the desert. If I get to picky on looks I’ll get the GHQ SAS jeep and or Chevy 30 cwt LRDG truck. USA rat patrol is just for fantasy play or game play if somebody wants it.

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