The latest…
AA Gamers,
I have been given the approval to submit events for GEN CON 2021. With that I need to begin generating events for everyone but need to know from you, whether or not you will be in attendance this year and if so, would you be interested in playing in any of the AA tournaments I typically run. I currently plan on running the Global '42, AA50 and 1942 2nd Ed tournaments. I am planning on staggering them so that anyone not playing in the G42 tourney, you can play in both the AA50 and 42 2nd Ed events.
I also plan on having the Axis & Allies War At Sea League and hopefully a few other WAS events. So, I need to get some feedback if anyone is interested in any of the other AA variants like Zombies, 1914 and the like. War Room is also a consideration but only if it appears that there is a demand for playing it.
I know this is going to be extremely hard for me to know in advance of how many may or may not attend and I have voiced my opinion to GEN CON about the same but if you do know, I would love to hear from you.
Also, due to the ORIGINS being just 11 days after GEN CON, I will not be able to attend ORIGINS in 2021.
The Spring Gathering is still on as well June 25 & 26 in Wilder, KY.
If you have any questions, please let me know and thanks for your time and consideration.
Gregory J. Smorey – EO/GM
SmoreySwamp Axis & Allies Gamers
Axis & Allies and more… Event Organizer/Game Master