in case i didn’t say it before, thank you for playing a game with me.
Find League Opponents Thread
Okay, thanks. I’ll take another crack at the Axis. I will try to get the new G40 BM3 version, which permits reporting to the AA web site, downloaded today.
Looking for a BM3 game.
Looking for a BM game
still looking for some games
Looking for another game, BM or G40, fine with both
opening up to any E or greater opponent who hasn’t played me yet but would like to, and I prefer it to be completed in time for this season. so that means somewhat fast paced to get the game concluded this month. message me if interested
I could play another Game if you want to, never played against you. I do the turns Daily starting tomorrow.
Could play both sides.
looking for 1-2 games tier 1 or higher. Games will go into 2019. Will play BM3 and OOB with bid
looking for new bm games for the new year!
Looking for a BM game.
Any Tier welcome but would like to start as Axis into 2019. -
Looking to start some games for the new year. I prefer BM3 but will play anything. Let me know. Have a Happy New Year everybody!
@majikforce I’ll play you.
@majikforce im up for a BM game
@majikforce I’ll be happy to play you BM3 (no bid), a pair of games, switching sides after the first one. You can choose sides for the first game. Cheers! OwenToo
Looking to play some games here on the league but am new to this forum, although have played a number of games PBEM.
how do I go about finding opponents and getting a foot on the ladder?
Thanks in advance -
I’m up for some new BM3 games too!
Since you, @majikforce received 3 replies already, I don’t know if you’re ready for another.
@wizmark Sure, I can introduce you to our fantastic league! Will PM you -
been gone for a while. looking for a couple of games.
@dawgoneit Am very happy to play a game against you
@dawgoneit im up for a game bm
@dawgoneit I hope that you will continue our started league game. I have a scramble request in game 32253 Ger9.