@max334 ac41e5e6-a265-41f6-8811-98f8c5867a29-triplea_41360_5uk.tsvg
Post League Game Results Here
MrRoboto (Axis) vs Dawgoneit (Allies) BM3, - MrRoboto (Axis) Wins:
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/32150/18l-mrroboto-axis-vs-dawgoneit-allies-bm3-game-3/151 -
Busy with work, I know I’m a little behind on getting these 2019 games posted, but will soon.
See the league discussion thread about the 2018 playoffs - brackets are now FINALIZED so games may BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. Thank you for your patience. I have a lot of year end stuff to do besides A&A. Thanks guys, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!!!
2019 result - Simon 33 (Allies +8, no IJ or Chinese gurellas) trounces Shin-Ji
bobbarosa, was too much for me. London fell twice, Moscow & IND once…relentless axis player.
Bobbarosa over JWW
I have to claim a forfeit. Shame, it was an interesting game.
Simon33 (Axis) over BSD (Allies) BM3: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/32389/bsd-allies-vs-simon33-axis-bm3/101
My calcs are that should put me into to tier M as one of the first ranked players of 2019. Bet I can’t maintain it.
Desert Admiral Allies over Suprise Attack Axis
Game Id # 32720 “This means war”
My G 1 and J 1 went bad when Ger. and It. didn’t take France. It was over then -
@gamerman01 said in Post League Game Results Here:
Busy with work, I know I’m a little behind on getting these 2019 games posted, but will soon.
See the league discussion thread about the 2018 playoffs - brackets are now FINALIZED so games may BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. Thank you for your patience. I have a lot of year end stuff to do besides A&A. Thanks guys, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!!!
Thanks Gamer!!
Happy new year to you too and everyone and again many many thanks for organizing, no issue with delays at all. Hopefully you will play and qualify for next year play off together with Adam and may be Zhukov!
I agree, there are great players here, many better than me, but may be Adam is the strongest at the moment and in my opinion the strongest I ever played. Mi bid is 90% he will be the champ. So guys, let’s try to beat him! Real challenge for all of us in the play off.
Good luck in the play offs for everyone (including Adam…).
Enjoy guys!
My tip for playing Adam: get a bid of at least 13 to take allies in BM.
JWW over giallo(axis) bm3
MrCunego(Allies) over Owentoo(Axis), BM3, no bid
A win for dizzkneeland33…even with London falling…well played
dizzkneeland33 Allies beats wizmark axis
MrRobot (Allies) over VonAlba (Axis) BM3
@gamerman01 said in Post League Game Results Here:
You can now sing along with this song
For you now, Simon. Let’s see how many days it lasts -
^ It’s a bit hollow when 5 unranked players have higher PPGs.
#1 is #1
simon spanked me around as the allies…
Ksmckay (Axis) vs Odonis (Allies) BM3L19
Ksmckay wins
cyanight (Axis +2) over DizzKneeLand33 (Allies)
Although the Pacific was completely in Allied hands, after UK fell Egypt fell one turn too early…
sovietishcat +17 Allies - VS - Dawgoneit Axis Play in play off Game. sovietishcat +17 Allies Wins.