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Post League Game Results Here
OK, I don’t think I have all the facts yet,
elche has no OOB game result since 12/31/23 so I take it the game between elche and pacifier never completed
ABH was supposed to play the winner of that.
I see ABH finished a game with pacifier on 2/26/24 but I don’t know if that was the semi-final of the playoff
No problem with you 2 agreeing your OOB game was the championship if everyone agrees ABH won the semi-final against either elche/ or pacifier.
So just tell me what I’m missing and I can record and congratulate!
@gamerman01 I beat Pacifierboard in the tentative semi-final assuming that he goes on to complete the win against Elche.
If elche somehow pulls out the W against Pacifier, I will face him in a match. If elche beats me, he goes on to face Farmboy.
In all other scenarios, the tournament is complete.
That was the game ended 2/26/24?
elche posted that he doesn’t have time or needs a big break or something?
@gamerman01 that was the game from February. Pacifierboard wanted a match against me and we decided to make it our tentative semifinal game.
@farmboy back to back?! Wow!
OK if elche was AWOL for a long time (please confirm) then I agree it’s all fine
@gamerman01. I was absent for May and thought it would extend all the way through August. That’s why I started a match with Pacifiers early.
The match between elche and pacifier has essentially reached a conclusion a long time ago although they haven’t officially called the game.
Got it,
Congratulations!! An exciting championship game it sounds like, on a razor’s edge.
Your name goes up in lights and will stay in the A& league game history for years to come!
🍰 -
@gamerman01 thanks. I will wait to declare victory until Elche’s match has officially ended. Give him the chance of a miracle comeback if he can figure out a surprise way to win. Happens sometimes.
Yep, sure thing
I’ll change it if the miracle(s) happen!
Have a great day! -
L24 BM Zarhunter (Axis) vs FlyingBadger (Allies+15) #3
Flyingbadger victorious as allies -
@Adam514 is still the champ in pacifiersboard (X) -vs- Adam514 (L +19) BM - a pity, but gg!
and here goes the other: @axis-dominion in pacifiersboard (X) -vs- Axis-Dominion (L +20) BM
… hit me, A-D, one more time :) -
ouch! This one hurts - another loss in L24 BM4 Me1945 vs pacifiersboard (L+22)
gg @Me1945 !!
pacifiersboard (X) -vs- elche (L +43) OOB (2023 playoff)
pacifiersboard wins
Sorry for delay and Congratulations to ABH for being Champion.
Congratulations Pacifiers for winning that game. That was an interesting match.
L24 bm4 axis-dom (axis) vs aetv (allies+30)
AD over AetV
Axis Dominion (AL) over ArtofWar (AX + 12) in PTV rematch. Another artful and masterful game by AD.
Gorshak (AX+9) over ArtofWar (AL). Well played by the former; not so much by the latter.
@axis-dominion is a new tiger in the PtV jungle
Looks like he’ll find his rightful place soon, +168 points in 3 games!