Post League Game Results Here

  • Everyone agrees, j, so game on! Thanks for your conscientiousness and class - that’s always great to see.

  • I have considered this from many angles and find it’s difficult to find an obvious correct choice. Have finally come to a conclusion I will stick by.

    I feel jkeller’s stress from family and work. Real life should always take priority and continuing this game will add to his stress load. From our communication I know that his main reason for continuing the game is the pressure from the community.

    I’m dying of cancer and would actually really like to take part in the final of this playoff. Don’t think I’m actually a worse candidate even though I’ve messed up this game in some ways and been quite unlucky in others. Can’t work atm and A&A is one of the things that brightens my day, even when Marti screws me over.

    I also come from the culture of playing competitive chess. These games are not identical of course, but actually quite similar in many ways. Anyway, when it comes to time control I can say that when playing a tournament or championship game there’s no one who wouldn’t claim victory when the opponents time runs out even if you’re in a completely lost position. Many even prefer to play games out in order to try to salvage a draw (which is much less likely in this game), which however silly it might seem is fully allowed and not to be questioned. Chess is however much more black and white.

    Trying to considering everything, I’ll try to help jkeller out with his more important issues in life and still claim the victory based on the 14 day rule. Doing this despite him changing his mind and being prepared to continue the game, which in some ways definitely would be for the best.

    This really sucks in some ways and I’m prepared to take the condemning judgment from the community. I mean, I’m actually dying, so who cares?

  • It’s your right, plus you have compelling reasons. AndrewAA awaits

  • 2024 '22


    I am cool with whatever to be honest. I would prefer to play out the games normally but I understand your reasoning as you are in quite a predicament and I am very sorry to hear about your health situation—that really sucks. My own situation is fine; no real problem and either way it wouldn’t be really affected by this game one way or the other.

    I didn’t know you played chess that’s cool. I also played competitive chess when I was in high school (attained uscf chess master) and still play online (2400+ on lichess and and it’s always good to meet a fellow chess player. I have to ask though as a chess player can you call a flag on a player when your own flag has been down quite some time?? 😜

  • '19

  • @jkeller said in Post League Game Results Here:

    I am cool with whatever to be honest. I would prefer to play out the games normally but I understand your reasoning as you are in quite a predicament and I am very sorry to hear about your health situation—that really sucks. My own situation is fine; no real problem and either way it wouldn’t be really affected by this game one way or the other.

    I’m glad you don’t feel offended and carry hard feelings. Thank you also for the empathy.

    I didn’t know you played chess that’s cool. I also played competitive chess when I was in high school (attained uscf chess master) and still play online (2400+ on lichess and and it’s always good to meet a fellow chess player. I have to ask though as a chess player can you call a flag on a player when your own flag has been down quite some time?? 😜

    I got an Elo of about 2000. Perhaps we could have a game or two on either site, although I suspect you’ll wipe my sorry ass as always.

    Actually, a game would continue as long as there is no call for a fallen flag. I appreciate your lenience when it came to asking about the game and giving space, and am truly sorry that I don’t return the favour. Nothing personal though, if anything the opposite.

  • 2024 '22


    I learned a lot from playing you and am happy you are able to play in the final

  • @trulpen said in Post League Game Results Here:

    This really sucks in some ways and I’m prepared to take the condemning judgment from the community. I mean, I’m actually dying, so who cares?

    Trulpen – First off, I want to be upfront and say I don’t like you. Based on our previous gaming experience I think you are a liar, unethical and not a good sportsman. Normally, I would not say this out loud in public, it is not my way. I think each person should judge a person on their own experiences and not mine. I say this just so you and everyone will know my true feelings and not think I have a hidden agenda in not playing against you because I don’t want to play against you. Having said that…

    Don’t Do This…

    You are making a mistake. I understand you are dying, and you feel somehow playing in this playoff will bring you some happiness. Maybe, even help your reputation for making it into the finals of PTV, BM3 and OOB all in the same year. I don’t think that is what is going to happen.

    By your own statements you are taking advantage of a forfeit rule that was certainly never intended to be used this way. Your opponent gave you 44 days to make a move. Per the rules you are only allowed 21 at the maximum. You should have been forfeited. You are losing the game and perhaps you could come back but it is obvious to everyone that you are purposely using the forfeit rule to advance. You did not PM your opponent to ask them to take their Turn, you did not even BUMP them once to remind them to go. You waited exactly 14 days in silence hoping your opponent would not go so you could claim a forfeit.

    Again, Don’t Do This…

    I say this because this is not going to make you happy. In a moment of bad judgement, you are making a mistake. You still have time to reverse your statement and make amends for that temporary lapse in judgement.

    Unfortunately, I have been around a lot of people dying. My Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, and Son have all died of Cancer. Plus, earlier in life I spent a lot of time in Nursing Homes visiting people and playing games with them to brighten their day. While some were very angry at dying, universally they all had the same experience… they wanted to be better people at the end and make amends for the mistakes and regrets they had in their life. I don’t know if there is something after we pass. Maybe we are just dust or maybe there is an afterlife. Whatever is true, it seems people want to be better at the end to find peace.

    While I do not like you, and I know a few others have told me they feel the same, my impression is that overall, the Community here likes you. They feel you are better than average Player who has won a lot of games and is usually nice and friendly. Is that not the way you want to be remembered?

    Here in America, there is a famous person called Benedict Arnold. His name has been vilified in history because he turned against his own people during the Revolutionary War. When someone feels betrayed by you, they will call you a Benedict Arnold. In actuality, Benedict Arnold was a great Commander for the Revolutionaries and won some important battles for America. He was, for all purposes, a great General. But at the end he turned against his country and now I would say 98% of people have no idea he was a great general. All they know is he was a traitor.

    Do you want to be remembered by the Community as the guy who used the forfeit rules to sneak into the OOB playoffs because he was dying? Or do you want to be remembered as a better than average Player who won a lot of games and was usually nice and friendly?

    It is not too late to do the right thing; it is never too late to do the right thing.

  • @andrewaagamer said in Post League Game Results Here:

    Trulpen – First off, I want to be upfront and say I don’t like you.

    Eloquent and thorough as always.

    It’s ok. I don’t like you either. Although I’m quite certain that your dislike for me is far greater than mine is for you.

    I don’t mind much that you trash talk me here in the forum. You are entitled to express your opinion. It’s probably even a good thing to ventilate.

    However, your little exposé did not change my mind of the present issue much. One can never be loved by everyone. C’est la vie.

    Yours truly,
    Benedict Arnold

  • I would encourage both of you to shut the f up. This has no place in the forum what so ever. i hope gamerman01 can end this.

  • @trulpen said in Post League Game Results Here:

    I don’t mind much that you trash talk me here in the forum. You are entitled to express your opinion. It’s probably even a good thing to ventilate.

    I apologize if it came across as trash talking you. That was not my intention. I only openly expressed my personal opinion of you so people would know what I was saying was in spite of not liking you. I think what you are doing is wrong and I had hoped my advice would help you make the right decision. Apparently for naught.

  • OK, hold up a second, I’m going in to look at the game with jkeller to get some facts to go on

  • @jkeller said in Post League Game Results Here:

    I will go ahead and play out the game for the integrity of the playoffs if that’s okay. I don’t think forfeiting mid-match or mid-series during a playoff would be an acceptable action in any other competitive field so I apologize for even mentioning it and I also apologize for the delay though as mentioned it was not as long as yours so I think the right thing would be for us just to finish the game. Without any bumps or messages I guess I was just focused on other things and lost track of the time. But I will go ahead and continue now if you agree.

    OK, I have now looked at the game thread and this is the situation.
    Started on June 20 and went at a torrid pace the whole way, through 7/26, when it was G16. That is nearly a whole round every 2 days.
    Then 9/9 trulpen made his R16, though he had waited 45 days. jkeller responded with J16 on 9/25, 16 days later.

    I found they have a BM4 game going also, where jkeller did J7 on July 27. Trulpen made UK7 on 9/2.

    Looks like jkeller could have called both games, unless ther e was some PM understanding between the two. Why can trulpen call the game after 16 days after keller didn’t call it after 36 days? I’m just asking.

    keller said above in my quote that he’d like to play out the game. I think given what I’ve seen here, keller should be able to continue the game if he wants, or forfeit if he wants.

  • We did have an understanding through PM. He asked me what was up and I told him that I had started up a new series of chemo therapy sessions (end of July) and was quite under the water. He said it was ok and no stress needed. Anyway, that’s the background.

  • @trulpen yes, but was there a communication by the 14-day deadline? If not, then, seems to me, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  • @andrewaagamer I didn’t even know about Arnold. Given how he married a woman that sympathized with the British, I argue his betrayal was out of love. Love makes people go crazy and no doubt he wanted to show his woman what he was capable off and he did. He showed it to the entire country!

  • elche L+22 vs aagamerz13 BM$ game2
    aagamerz13 over elche

  • @soulblighter

    Arnold’s Tory wife undoubtedly played a role in his defection to the British (e.g., she put him in contact with her friend British Major Andre). However, the stage was set before this by ingrates in the Army and Continental Congress. Arnold dedicated his health and much of his own wealth to the American cause. He captured Fort Ticonderoga and its many cannons early in the Revolution. The next year in 1776, his brilliant defensive tactics in the Battle of Valcour Island (Lake Champlain) delayed the British attack from Canada on New York State for a year. He also distinguished himself in the Battle of Ridgefield (CN) and the Battle of Saratoga (NY). In the latter, his daring and bravery were probably instrumental in .this major American victory–for which the passive and petty General Horatio Gage took credit. The Continental Congress passed over his promotion because of a quota system, not merit. Rival officers instigated his court martial. The movie “Benedict Arnold: Hero Betrayed” presents an interesting and balanced alternative perspective on Arnold. It is offensive for Trulpen to identify himself with Arnold, because the former’s motives are in a whole different class than those of the latter.

  • FYI I didn’t identify myself with BA, but Andrew did.

  • @trulpen

    You signed your reply to Andrew about 22 hours ago: “Yours truly, Benedict Arnold.”

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