@Adam514 scramble opportunities?
Post League Game Results Here
L21 Colt(X) over chaptim(L+30) vanilla
Rule 5f, ambiguous title but L21 decided on 3rd post of thread. -
Pejon_88 (Axis) over Simon33 (Allies+16) BM
Seems that I have forgotten a blocker with fatal results. Bummer.
Oysteilo (X) over Sovietishcat (L+9) BM
2021 game results will be recorded before many days - see league discussion thread - it looks like starting 1/1/21 we will have a separate standings sheet by version, and each version will have its own playoffs a year from now! Please play accordingly. The game results that have been posted will be recorded in the appropriate standings sheet for the version that you played - OOB, BM, or P2V are the 3 main versions.
Rules are being firmed up - thank you for understanding. -
@simon33 said in Post League Game Results Here:
Pejon_88 (Axis) over Simon33 (Allies+16) BM
Seems that I have forgotten a blocker with fatal results. Bummer.
Hold off on this one - Pejon_88 has gratiously granted a mulligan.
majikforce allies +12 over bretters axis BM3
L21 #1 trulpen (X) vs Ghostglider (A+18) BM3
Truplen win over Ghostgliderhttps://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36261/l21-1-trulpen-x-vs-ghostglider-a-18-bm3/213
@gamerman01 great move!
Dawgoneit (Axis) vs DannyDuck716 (Allies +17) BM3
DannyDuck716 (Allies +17) wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36005/dawgoneit-axis-vs-dannyduck716-allies-17-bm3/155?_=1610166898859 -
brxxx (+12) Allies vs dawgoneit Axis- brxxx (+12) Allies wins https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36092/brxxx-12-allies-vs-dawgoneit-axis/86?_=1610256212003
@onesteveo (x) over tanios (l+10) bm3
Good news - rankings updated by version for 2021!
Overall combined ranking sheet still to be set up later - it’s not needed yet anyway.
The changes will be formalized in the league rules at some point. Until then, if you have any questions just PM me or ask on the boards and someone who’s read my posts may be able to help you.I will use the same method as before, for establishing early rankings. That is, if you didn’t finish 3 games last year, I will find your most recent “firm” ranking (year where you had 3 games completed) and subtract 1 tier. If you completed 3 games last year, your tier carries over to this year. If you’ve never completed 3 games in a year or you were tier 3 last year, you start this year tier 3.
When you reach 3 games in a version in 2021, your tier will change to reflect your 2021 PPG rather than your previous year’s tier. There are a few exceptions, where I make a judgment call that does not follow these rules, in the spirit of making the rankings more accurate (generally when a player is clearly better than tier 3 but according to these rules because of few games played would otherwise be assigned tier 3)
Wiz over Avner
Two distractions and game over
666(axis p2v) over aagamerz13 https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/35909/ptv-666-axis-v-aagamerz13/329
@aagamerz13 simon33(axis p2v) over aagamerz13 https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36193/aagamerz13-allies-vs-simon33-axis-p2v/176?page=8
@gamerman01 We have decided to to conclude the game as a draw. Hope that does not conflict with any league rules?
Mainah (X) vs Gambler6 (L+15), mainah wins
@gambler6 said in Post League Game Results Here:
Mainah (X) vs Gambler6 (L+15), mainah wins
A Dice win if there ever was one.