@Stucifer RE: bloodbath…wow!
Re: scramble for sub/transports. That’s what I thought the rule was, but the game asked for a scramble option so I thought maybe something had changed since I played last. It hadn’t come up in @mikawagunichi 's game.
@FMErwinRommel play on a full round. See what happens with your J move and how your opponent react and what he does. See how Italy plays out and the decide wether you continue or concede.
@FMErwinRommel said in League General Discussion Thread:
Germany loses opening battle to France. Battle calc said 97% win. Should I just concede now? Anybody ever play thru when this happened to you? Also, lost BB but no planes against UK fleets. Retreated 3 tanks and can shift troops from Germ. Sank Canadian fleet. But no Vichy or cash bonus, and will delay and/or weaken move on Russia, which will likely be fatal.
Against equal Players I have never seen the Axis come back from a failure to take France on G1.
I’ve played on but I don’t think I’ve ever won. When it happened against Adam514 I conceded right away.
Just want to clarify when a result from a league game should be posted. I saw that games should be played as best of 3s or 5s, etc. does that mean I should only post results of the series? Cause I see many people posting single game results. Is it that all results are posted, but the games only count for points in the league if they’re part of a series with the same player? Thanks!
It’s a max cap, defined by the number of previously played games in steps of 10s.
@trulpen Thanks for the reply. So am I correct in saying that I should still (as the losing player) post the result of a single game in the League Results forum?
Correctamundo. And actually, even if it won’t count for scoring just yet due to cap, it should still be reported.
Right, the best of 3 or best of 5 is just a limit imposed to force players to be available to play more other players. We don’t want people playing 20 games in the league with only 1 or 2 or a few other players.
Each game stands alone and is reported when it is decided, thanks for asking.
And welcome to the league - enjoy!
French regular : 2.00
Neutral_Allies regular : -0.67
Germans regular : -9.50
British regular : 0.17
French AA : -0.17
Go Italy…
@LennardF said in League General Discussion Thread:
French regular : 2.00
Neutral_Allies regular : -0.67
Germans regular : -9.50
British regular : 0.17
French AA : -0.17Go Italy…
Looks nasty…
Need rules help. I’m too lazy and busy to look through the rule book but I know you can’t land US bombers in Amur that are attacking Korea if Russia is neutral with Japan. And please correct me if I am wrong on that.
No doubt about it, russia is neutral on pac map if not at war with japan and all neutral rules apply.
@majikforce said in League General Discussion Thread:
Need rules help. I’m too lazy and busy to look through the rule book but I know you can’t land US bombers in Amur that are attacking Korea if Russia is neutral with Japan. And please correct me if I am wrong on that.
The US bombers cannot land there unless Japan is at War with Russia as otherwise Russia is neutral instead of being friendly.
Air Units: An air unit must end its move in an eligible landing space. Air units can land in any territory that was friendly (but
not friendly neutral) at the start of the current turn.
@AndrewAAGamer @Avner @ksmckay Thanks guys!
Hi all, looking for a game of BM3.
IMPORTANT note to all:
DO NOT go to TripleA 2.2.x or later, as there is a very nasty battle calc bug that hangs every time you try to do a naval battle calc involving offensive subs. It has made my game with ksmckay miserable, to the point where we decided to recreate our game (only into round 3) using TripleA 1.9. And you can’t correct the problem using a later TripleA client version, as the bug exists in the game save itself. Here’s our game for your further reference: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/35823/axis-dominion-vs-ksmckay-allies-18-bm3/109
I did NOT experience this issue in version 2.1.20625, FYI, so I believe that is a safer 2.1.x version. I can’t say for sure if this started only as of 2.2.x and if so, which specific ‘x’ that is, but it’s nasty nasty nasty, I promise you will hate your life, so avoid like the plague!!!
Subs seem to be having problems all round at the moment…I had a game where all their stealth capabilities were turned off…very annoying!
Yah sadly a lot of quality issues with 2.x release. I’m just going to stick with 1.9 for a while longer, until these problems clear up.
I have moved the follow up discussion about issues with TripleA to the TripleA Support Category , as this is a general TripleA-related issue and not a “League-issue”:
Please discuss TripleA issues in this forum-category. They will likely get noticed and addressed earlier. Also you can get quicker information about new or known issues, latest versions etc., there.
Can allies move thought a friendly neutral the same turn it is activated? Like, 1 man moves in to activate friendly neutral but tanks by same player in friendly neighboring territory then can move through to another friendly terr.?