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League General Discussion Thread
In the balanced mod, 2nd bracket, both Sovietishcat and Avner get “byes” for the first round due to their #1 and #2 status.
EVERYONE else who signed up can play now
Official league rules for 2023 have been scrutinized and IMPROVED and UPDATED
And even after that they still have some Commander Jennifer flavor to them (lol) she did a lot of good work for the league that we all still enjoy today.
Mostly updated for the 3 different game versions we play, and the number of games required for the playoffs.
One big change is you only need 6 games (across all versions) to be able to play a single adversary to best of 5, and then 12 to go best of 7 (etc). This could potentially add more games played for players who want to keep playing a favorite opponent and/or don’t want to spread themselves around too much. Anyway, based on the number of players and games we have these days it seems more appropriate.
And if any of you love to bid Chinese fighters to the game as the Allies, you will be really mad at me for removing them (AND ARTILLERY) from the rules. Reason is, the flying tigers are obviously supposed to be a unique American volunteer unit, and China needs to earn artillery by having the Burma road open at the beginning of their turn, IMO. But don’t despair, your opponent will probably be OK with them, and if your opponent agrees, you know, in the league you can then generally do it. (I reserve some exceptions)
@gamerman01 a Commander Jenn reference, nice!
@666 said in League General Discussion Thread:
@gamerman01 a Commander Jenn reference, nice!
Our former den mother. Now y’all just have me.
@gamerman01 Give me six more months of playtesting & I just might have G40+ ready for public release…
@hengst Then, of course, the turn-it-into-a-AAA-module process begins… shouldn’t be too hard if the AAA devs are willing to listen to my desperate feature requests :)
@hengst said in League General Discussion Thread:
@hengst Then, of course, the turn-it-into-a-AAA-module process begins… shouldn’t be too hard if the AAA devs are willing to listen to my desperate feature requests :)
What features do you want?
Dear all,
I somehow have some issues when trying to load and study old games. Most of the time, when I open saved games, I get the following or a similar error message:
I use AAA Java version 11.0.6 and engine version 2.5.22294
This happens with saved games from 2021 and 2022, and it is quite annoying, as it is impossible to study any games.
Has this ever occurred to you, and how did you manage to solve this?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Martin -
PS: I get this error message, when I go to Game History and click anywhere
@simon33 I love you.
Starter list:
An option for unitAttachments to have a max/min canProduceXUnits when canProduceXUnits = -1;
Some way for a triggerAttachment to make all units of a given player convert to those of other players’, by some rule. (See this rule).
3, Allow naval bombardments to be declared without an amphibious assault (I’ve tried to implement this using a dummy “bombard” unit that’s produced by naval vessels each turn in a step between combat movement & combat but I’ve never been able to get it to work the way I want, & it’s horribly inelegant)
- Ideally, a token victory system that keeps track of how many triggerAttachments have been fulfilled, where the player can control which ones are active at a given time using a new step delegate (tokenManage?)
There’s some more things for edge cases but the majority of the important changes I think I can already do in triple a. It’s a really robust program (even if sometimes it seems the best documentation for writing xmls is just the parser source) :)
Almost forgot the most important one. An option for unitAttachments to allow units of certain unitTypes to move from one unit to the other, in a given number, with given conditions.
Imagine a railroadStation unitType that lets railCar units move from one to the other, but only 2 per turn, provided no enemy sabetourInfantry units are adjacent to either railroadStation.
@hengst I don’t understand why you would want #3. Like going back to when you didn’t need as many offloading units as bombardment shots.
For #1 that means you can have a factory which is limited in how many units it can produce and is also limited by the territory value? If I am guessing right. Could be nice, but surely you can live without it.
#4, I think that can be tracked by the players.
#5. interesting idea, moves you way up the complexity chain.
@martin I am not aware of any solution. I believe it is to do with adding units via edit mode. Or at least that is my working theory. Maybe download intermediate save games to view them.
Illegal State Exception (attempting merging values British and British)
Sounds like it is caused by Brexit, probably best to just blame Liz Truss.
Seriously though, I think I have had this when looking back at games which have had units added with the edit function, maybe maybe some unique value constraint is broken by the edit. I’m sure I recall that the edit function is still in beta but is included in the production release of TripleA due to it’s extreme usefulness (expecially by people like me who forget to make key moves :drooling_face:).
Yeah, I was sure it was due to Brexit!
Guys, I recommended our leagues in a larger Axis & Allies Facebook Group. The feedback I get is that people are annoyed by the fact that play by forum does not work, and they prefer using the Table Top Simulator on Steam instead of TripleA.
Maybe you also want to put some supportive comments, in case you are on Facebook:
Pausing league and Playoffs in order to do the real thing! :-)
Greetings from Martin and Harry (elche)
@martin Reminds me of the old days! Spending hours and hours away from the kids :upside_down_face:
Wow. Fun that you shared - fancy set up!
Question! Do you use calculators or do you go old school?? It’s hard to play on a board when you’re used to Triple A!