Confessions of an Axis and Allies Addict

  • SWEET !

  • This is exactly like me! I am 19 and love this game, play it all the time, own almost every version. I relate to this post on almost ever level!!!

  • Disciplinary Group Banned

    It all started with me with WW2 toys back in the early 70s. When A&A 1984 came out I became a addict, and the rest is history.  8-) 8-) 8-)

  • '17 '16 '15

    LOL !!!

    How’s 39 coming ?

  • Thank you for your nice lines.

  • Hehehe! :-D

  • '19 '17 '16

    A very well written piece.  It’s encouraging to see some decent literacy from the young 'uns these days.  If I was an anal-retentive jerk I’d point out the “me and my buddies” grammatical error near the end.  Luckily I’m not like that at all  :-D

    I wish you many years of enjoyment playing Axis & Allies.  :-)

  • Great post, Charles.  It’s nice that physical boardgames with physical components – and better yet, with little plastic sculpts of actual WWII military units – are still being discovered and appreciated by a new generation of gamers, despite the competition from video games.  I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the 1976 movie Midway, with Charlton Heston and Henry Fonda, but if you’ve never done so I recommend that you have a look at it, even if only for the scenes with the two map tables (a huge one in Admiral Nimitz’s headquarters and a smaller one on Admiral Yamamoto’s flagship) equiped with wooden ship-marker blocks (and a few flat aircraft-shaped markers) are being used to plan and track the battle.  A few years ago I had fun replicating those scenes using my Global 1940 map and my A&A sculpt collection.  On the negative side, the Global 1940 map was small and crowded compared to the huge one used by Nimitz in the movie, but on the positive side the A&A sculpts looked fantastic compared to the very simple shapes of the film’s wooden blocks.  Moving real miniature pieces on a real map board is an entirely different experience from its electronic counterpart, even if the information being presented in both game formats is technically identical.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    I started in 1988 or so, the beginning.  But im not an old duff either.

    I’ve made many friends on this board, Argothair, Tirano, Imperial Defender, Black Elk, Ichabod, Hambone, Young Grasshopper–have met or spoken to them all on the phone.  We have a house club of 5 and a city club of 5-8 more guys, there is a game in KC every week.  The flame burns on.

    I have one request for you.  Go to Gencon next year.  I waited many years…don’t.  Your people gather there, in Indianapolis.

    I’ll see you there, and we will have a beer.

  • Stroutqb22,
    If you ever find yourself in central Jersey, give me a pm.  We are always growing (and unfortunately, losing players)

    My team put their kiss on the final version of Europe 1939 (Pacific and Global to follow in about a week)  I am not going to overwrite the outdated version (its evolved so much) so look out in house rules for a big update.

    Thanks guys for showing some love to a kid who does not really belong with all the adults here.

    I’ll love to participate in a convention, but I really haven’t the time or mobility.  Besides, I will probably be a little out of place with my Churchill jokes when the guys aren’t there to appreciate it.  Again, in Central Jersey, we have several homes we play in and lots of public places for the shy newbies.  For the time being, I can only come to those that live nearby.  Gen Con will have to be somewhere down the annals of life for me.

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