Yeah, I get it.
I guess if Japan approached in spread out formation, you’d have to block 3 sea zones, so you’d have to lose a cruiser to fully block a landing in WUS.
Why wouldn’t that have worked to trip them up?�  If you stop them from being able to sack WUS turn 2, isn’t that game over?
Also, you only need to block 2 sea zones on the atlantic side if they are launching from Gibraltar.�  Doable if you got a UK ship handy.
Finally, you’ve got 52 bucks US1, not to mention 5 ftrs, 1 tacb you can stack around for defense. You also got 4UK land units to help out. The German’s had three transports w/6 units for landing?�  � Not really much if you stack EUS w/10 land + 3/4 fighters and 2 AA.
I’m willing to be wrong on this.� Â
Also, let me clear, getting caught off guard happens to all of us.�  Going for the US is an all or nothing move, so I could see how one would discount the possibility.� Â
That being said, I wonder if capturing the US would still result in an Axis win. By the time it would work (round 3/4?), I would think the other Allies have become monsters with Russia and UK closing in on Germany for the Kill and Japan close to completely knocked off Asia.
If anyone wants to try it, I’ll agree to play a straight up OOB G40 2nd as the allies on triple a.�  We could agree to some conditions, i.e.�  moves I can’t make as the allies to make the attack even feasible.
PM me if interested.
I don’t completely disagree to a lot of what your saying. I’m not that good of a player. But I reacted to what would normally be considered the “responsible” moves and it didn’t work.
Also, in this gambit, Japan is willing to sacrifice planes to take a lot of stuff out…and then can replenish the empty carriers. I still think the best move is to abandon the Pacific…having now played against this surprised strike and lost. I had large stacks of ground units…but bought too many boats in US turns 1-2 that were easily sunk by Japan.
Yes, you have 52 IPCs, but if the first turn is 3 expensive warships on the Western US, instead of purchasing 3 fighters, 2 armor, 1 mech, 2 infantry, then you’re already behind in my opinion. My speculation on this is based on having played a game…maybe I’m the one that’s wrong. But like I said, I went through the file with other players, all better than me, and we all agreed what I wrote is a good plan to DEFEAT this strategy and like all said result in a failed Axis gambit. I mentioned that Berlin was almost captured…but it wasn’t. The US capital was captured on like Turn 4, then turn 6. And by that time the US wasn’t making much more than maybe 28 ICPs and most of it’s Major ICs have been reduced to minor ICs. I guess with Russia I should have bought an IC in Ukraine but I didn’t. At a certain point, it’s still hard to capture Germany due to the fact that Russia is going a very long distance from their ICs that can produce at total of only 6 while Germany can drop 10 on it’s capital. Also, Russia, doesn’t get to DOW until Turn 4 in this game anyways.
Regarding your last point, could the Allies still win without North America due to being way ahead everywhere else. I really don’t think so. The amount of money their collecting makes up for all of the losses and territory they’re normally supposed to gain. Plus, it’s mostly a 1 front war then for both Japan and Germany. Germany sacked Washington, then I gave up as Russia wasn’t large enough to get Berlin. I think I sent too much forces Scandinavia and into the Balkans to get money, meanwhile, Germany was spending a lot on infantry defense. Germany had enough money to start producing lots of tanks. And without the threat of a major landing by the US…it’s just academic at that point. For Japan, yes, they lost the money islands and China was huge. But they had a large fleet and the money from Hawaii, Alaska, western US (10 alone there), Panama, with which to fight for the islands to get their income even higher. Again, it’s merely academic. In most games I’ve played on triplea, Sea Lion results in an Axis victory. On this forum, everyone says it means Axis death. Well, the US isn’t getting liberated as 3rd time (Canada Liberated the US the first time). All fighters from London we’re flown over…ect.
I’m not one to provide a good demonstration on, but I’d be willing to try against you on tiplea. If you want to do the PBEM style that’s fine, I just don’t know how to set it up. You have to keep in mind it’s purely for demonstration purposes…so as a condition, I’d need you to react like you don’t think Washington DC is the target in order to see it. If for instance the UK transport in sZ106 survives, you should be bringing forces over to the UK…ext. If Germany can still do Sea Lion, build more on London. Remember, demonstration purposes only. Obviously if you know straight up that all 3 Axis forces are all going for Washington DC then it might not work.