in case i didn’t say it before, thank you for playing a game with me.
2015 League Post Game Results Here
Bombsaway beat variance (allies +16)
Luckyinmaroon (allies +16) over radiant (axis)
I posted this on page 57, but it got overlooked during the debate.
Got it this time…. your turn, lucky :-D
Genocide committed in London today….BUTT-UGLY! :-P
Fought hard in the PAC, but the war is lost…
Mike48484(Axis) over Mallery29(Allies)
Tier 3 was nice! Back to the basement!
I could claim this, since it seems he’s dead on the siteMallery29(Allies) over Pherman(Axis)
Mallery29(Axis) over Entek(Allies12) -
Zhukov is much better and the winner over JWW (allies +20)
He hasn’t actually gotten the VC he needs but I don’t think the game is in doubt.
You gave Zhukov the Axis? :-)
That’s braveit was more foolish than brave….I think I need to give him the allies w/+25 or something so I can get my arse handed to me again but hopefully glean something from the whooping I’ll get.
I debated calling it what it is…… I’m glad you took care of that for me by being honest
I know I wouldn’t want to face his Axis, especially with less than 25 :-)
Zhukov plays them right -
MakeMaps vs Karl7(Allies +20).
Karl7 wins. -
Mitler(Axis) over Mallery29(Allies)
Giallo(axis) Over Radiant (Allies+19)
Cyanight (Allies +22) over Pherman1215 (Axis)
I gave him about 3 weeks and no response. Really hate winning this way but it is the rules.
Man alive, how many games did he abandon?
Looks like 5.
I also have to eventually claim a win, but if he returns and wishes so, we will continue the game, of course.
Shin Ji tries punching above his weight, and gets creamed!
Axis Dominion (Axis) over Shin Ji (Allies +24)
Man, forget about Dark Skies. That’s child’s play to counter compared to this economic slow growth strat!
Axis dominion (Allies + 23) over BerntBernt
I will report the game against Pherman now. At this point, its unlikely he will come back, but if he does and so wishes, the game will continue. Gamerman, pls take it from rankings in this case.
The game itself was not leaning heavily in either sides favor, I think. -
Giallo (allies+23) over mitler(axis)