@leemorrison take both transports as casualties, sub will die or flee depending on the return fire I get this round.
2015 League Post Game Results Here
Sure, the TUV and PU was very close most of the game. Germany was playing a lite version of “Dark Skies”. I think I purchased half the normal amount of bombers. The first close call came in round 7 or 8 when Axis-D declared war on neutrals so he could move his planes back and forth to Russia and India to keep them from falling. Pretty much stalled Germany in gridlock. Germany flew 10 bombers to an AB in FIC to unblock the pacific yet stay in range to hit Moscow. Several times I tried to move the Japanese fleet to Africa but was forced back to reclaim the DEI and keep ANZAC and USA away from the coast. Then shortly after India fell and USA build IC’s in Turkey, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Persia and Spain while UK had one in Egypt and Iraq. This lead to a long struggle in Persia until Japan split their tanks off to try to help Germany with Moscow while USA was able to retake Spain and moved a large stack of tanks through Turkey and Greece. Germany hit Moscow and Japan followed by taking it after but the damage to Europe was to great for Germany to recover. I tried a last ditch effort to try to take ANZAC but I could not hold India if I took it. I’m sure Mark can add his thoughts as well. It was a great game.
Sure, the TUV and PU was very close most of the game. Germany was playing a lite version of “Dark Skies”. I think I purchased half the normal amount of bombers. The first close call came in round 7 or 8 when Axis-D declared war on neutrals so he could move his planes back and forth to Russia and India to keep them from falling. Pretty much stalled Germany in gridlock. Germany flew 10 bombers to an AB in FIC to unblock the pacific yet stay in range to hit Moscow. Several times I tried to move the Japanese fleet to Africa but was forced back to reclaim the DEI and keep ANZAC and USA away from the coast. Then shortly after India fell and USA build IC’s in Turkey, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Persia and Spain while UK had one in Egypt and Iraq. This lead to a long struggle in Persia until Japan split their tanks off to try to help Germany with Moscow while USA was able to retake Spain and moved a large stack of tanks through Turkey and Greece. Germany hit Moscow and Japan followed by taking it after but the damage to Europe was to great for Germany to recover. I tried a last ditch effort to try to take ANZAC but I could not hold India if I took it. I’m sure Mark can add his thoughts as well. It was a great game.
fascinating… thanks!
CdnRanger (allies +20) over rubioton (axis)
Good job Sir.
Adam wins
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=35681.0I am done for this league season. Will probably be back next year.
We’ll be here, blighter - have a nice break
Axis dominion beats majikforce. A lesson in allied coordination, and dont wait to attack with Japan until turn 4!! And I need glasses so I can properly count how many russian units can counter attack me. AD is a great player I learned alot.
Adam514(allies+17) wins vs TheMethuselah(axis)
No post in a while, he did seem like he had a chance to win too.
Adam514(allies+17) wins vs TheMethuselah(axis)
No post in a while, he did seem like he had a chance to win too.
Just posted a concession in that thread and was going to post here myself. I’m resigning all my games due to just not having the time anymore to play carefully. Great game by Adam, and he absolutely deserves the win. Would have been interesting to see if Cairo could have fallen, but the window was shutting pretty fast.
Karl7 over Cmdr JenniferGood game.
bonusbent (Axis) vs dawgoneit (Allies + 12) bonusbent
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=35645.105 -
adam (allies 19) over axis-dominion
all i can say is, brilliant game play. he’s definitely one of the best out there.
was a fun game, and learned a few lessons.
could’ve easily gone on much longer, but axis domain was shrinking with no real hope of recovery.
all i can say is, brilliant game play. he’s definitely one of the best out there.
He was 9-1 with a 4.90 so that’s not a surprise :-)
Var. over S.A. topic # 35329.135
Japan took a beating! -
Var. over S.A. topic # 35329.135
Japan took a beating!thread:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=35329.150 -
Adam514 (Allies +19) over wheatbeer (Axis)
Next season!
shakes fist
Variance/Surprise attack game doesn’t count until Surprise hits 10 games, FYI
that’s OK. I think we already had 2 games
LOL WTF, who is this Adam514 guy?
LOL WTF, who is this Adam514 guy?
hahaha he was getting bored of kicking everyone’s butt in the lobby, so i got him hooked on league play, and now here he is again kicking (almost) everybody’s butt.
I can attest he is tough.