You can scramble 1 plan to SZ 43
Non league game axis-dominion allies over surprise attack axis
If this is a non league game why are you reporting it in the league results thread?
oops, i think this is my mistake…we had started this one waay back when I first started in the league, and i guess some of the games i had agreed to as non-league, and i guess this one was one of them, but i had forgotten that i had agreed to that. so when it finally finished last week, i had asked him to post the result.
so gammer, i guess don’t count this game after all
so sorry for the confusion and the time it took you to update the results, and the time to reverse the update
No, I never recorded it - he said it was a non-league game
Thank you for the clear explanation axis
i believe you did record this last week, when i posted it in his stead, as i thought he just forgot to post.
in any case, there should be no recorded games between us, so if there is, then it should be undone.
Oh. Was also recorded last week. OK, I’ll fix it right now
Well, I guess your opponent’s having a nice day
That was me and yea, I was pretty nice. Got 3/4 hits on D as well to follow it up :evil:
And I hadn’t bothered to see what your actual dice were, all sixes are rough!
A miss is a miss :-P
Our playoff game has been sitting idle for 9 days now, as TWKS seems to be MIA.;topicseen#new
Give him more time?
Do not count - is reported again later
Well, he NEEDS to post again because he’s stuck on six hundred, threescore and six posts :evil:
Yes, we’ll just give him more time because it’s the playoffs, and the opposing bracket game of snake and Mr. Roboto isn’t done and waiting on you. No reason to rush…
Now if the playoffs were waiting for your game, that would be a different story.
Dangit, the playoffs just started 3 weeks ago and there’s already multiple 9 day drops! Everyone in the playoffs confirmed they wanted to participate in the latter half of October! Bummer
yeah too bad =(
seems like the next stage will take a while…
snake and me are still in round 1…
14L G40 Me1945 (Axis) over Balladeer (Allies +18)
Bjergmose(Allies) wins against bonusbent(Axis)
play off game. shin ji +10 allies -vs- dawgoneit axis–- shin ji wins
While we’re getting updates in, I had another win, against Whackamatt.
Shin Ji (Allies +10) vs Whackamatt (Axis);topicseen#new
Whackamatt was within a hair’s breadth of winning at one time or another in both sides. It was really really close. He did a fun variant of the Angry Bird maneuver (Axis attacking the True Neutrals on G2) that made Germany into an absolute monster.
I snuck into Japan with a set of transports parked on Midway with a harbor added, in what is rapidly becoming my signature move. If it weren’t for that, who knows how the game might have ended up. Hope to see you in the playoffs, Whackamatt!
MrRobot and I are in a race to see who’s playoff game finishes last…
15L G40 artofwar1947 (Axis) vs. dawgoneit (Allies + 12) artofwar1947 wins
15L G40 artofwar1947 (Axis) vs. dawgoneit (Allies + 12) artofwar1947 wins
Soul (allies +15) beat variance, playoff game.
Extreme dicing at Moscow wipes out Nazi Germany despite odds >90%. sigh.
I guess your plan didn’t account for dice “variance”. ;)
life is full of disappointments