Oh man, these are some excellent ideas for me to mull over…
1. No buy on G1 sounds crazier than I suspect it actually is. Follow up with either 10Mech/10Tank or a huge navy after watching the Allies trip over themselves.
2. The goal of flexibility on G1 seems to be forcing UK to turtle. Do most UK players respect the sealion threat and turtle and/or avoid Taranto in response? Or is the flexibility pointless since you’re planning on Barbarossa anyway: better to just start buying ground?
3. Does the Russian T1 buy matter as much as I’ve worried about it? Inf/Art, Mech/Tank, Air?? Until Germany commits to Barbarossa, fast units are just so enticing…
4. What about bomber buys on G1/2? I’ve seen that in a couple forum games I looked at and wasn’t sure exactly what the idea there was. Africa beat-down or just a flexible buy?
Sorry for all the questions. I probably just need to play more and theory craft less, but it’s a lot harder to find a whole day to hammer out a game!