Kamikaze are a defensive weapon, which are resolved at the beginning of the combat phase, so the attacking air units have already launched from their carriers are not in danger (unless they are “guest” air units). As such, they will participate in combat even if their carrier is hit, and will have the remainder of their movement to land as normal afterwards.
Gameboard Question
How would i find a copy of G40? or do i need to combine Europe and the Pacific. Links would be great if there is an official copy.
You need both Europe and Pacific
It is expensive but well worth the cost, very well made and a fun game.
@WindowWasher Alright I already had those links but thanks! I don’t play the board games, i only played 1941 once and thats what sparked my love for the game, but i do play alot of triplea. i thought getting the board game would be great. In the post i was reffering to see if there was a board where pacific and europe were mashed into one but thanks anyway!
You can buy a vinyl printout of the board from office max or staples, no idea how it works but I know its been done. Check out the axis and allies Facebook group and ask a question there, someone will definitely get back to you.