What is your most favourite AA Game ?

  • So, what is your favourite edition (and why) after all?
    Is it the ultra easy 1941 or the ultra complex 1939 globel war, or something between them?

  • A&A Global 1940.  It has a large map board of the whole world (the largest official A&A one ever published) with nicely detailed art work, plus the largest range of OOB sculpts (and player nations) ever provided in an A&A game.  In terms of the map, I prefer the first edition because it doesn’t have the tracking strip across the top (which detracts from the map’s appearance, in my view) and because the Pacific half has Canadian roundels (which were mistakenly left out of the second edition).  In terms of sculpts I prefer the second edition because it has improved sculpts (nation-specific sculpts for Italy and ANZAC) as well as a new AAA unit.  This dilemma is easily resolved by using the first edition map in combination with the second edition sculpts.  :)

  • It was always Anniversary. I think the man reason was that it introduced Italy.
    Now, I cannot do without Global, but I prefer 42 and am trying to make a near historical 43. (44 would be even better, but quite short!).

  • @wittmann:

    I prefer 42 and am trying to make a near historical 43. (44 would be even better, but quite short!).

    A 1945 game would be even shorter, so by contrast 1944 wouldn’t be a bad choice.  :lol:  All kidding aside, though, a 1945 game would potentially have a couple of intriguing features.  Both Germany and Japan would be ideal terrain for players who are fond of defensive battles and who like the idea of being able to put up a tenacious fight against overwhelming odds long past the point where a less determined nation would have surrendered.  And the game could feature all sorts of advanced techs (including various weapons-of-last-resort) appearing in a short amount of play time, or perhaps even available right from the start of the game for the ones which historically started being deployed in 1944.

  • I love being on the defensive in games. (My favourite German General is Model
    and he is famous as “Hitler’s Fireman”.) Let’s face it, we all love German tanks because they were big and powerful, but really they were often just pillboxes.
    I have got a little bored of 1940, so another scenario and set up suits me.

  • 1945 with things like Panzer Lowe, Mauss… interesting  :roll:

    I voted for G40, I bought it only a month ago, and played it once (played europe and pacific more times) but it’s amazing. Big map, a lot of units, very nice sculpts. The variety of strategical options is why I prefer it more vs 1942.2. I plan to buy more units like SPA, paratroopers etc. on HBG. 1914 is a fine game too, but there is so few units. :-(

    I haven’t played anniversary since it’s unavaillible and I don’t wan’t to spend 400+ $ on it.

    Btw. my favourite German general is Rommel (but my favourite WWII general is Zhukov… :-D)

  • Anniversary was special for me, because we were given it as a wedding present. I purposely did not buy 1942, as it seemed to pale in comparison.
    It came and was so large and impressive, it was not hard to see why I loved it. (I mean really, what was there to compare before it?)
    Now playing it on AAA,it seems small and silly. I miss the complicated rules of 1940.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    It is a toss up for me, because Anniversary was my first axis and allied game, but I’m learning Global 1940 now and soon 1939.

    I like both equally as well.

    If I want a short game, anniversary is what I would play, but if I want a long game, then Global would be my choice.

    If there was a second edition of 1914 with each country having their own sculpts, that is one game, I would love to buy, but sadly, I don’t know if Larry will come out with a second edition.

  • I voted for Anniversary. I am glad to own a copy - and it was my first A&A game ever.

    I love Global 1940, 1942 and 1942 2nd Ed. too - but it was Anniversary that catched me in 2008.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I voted for Anniversary. I am glad to own a copy - and it was my first A&A game ever.

    I love Global 1940, 1942 and 1942 2nd Ed. too - but it was Anniversary that catched me in 2008.

    I picked Global, only because there is more to it, but I will always have a special place in my heart for the anniversary game. :-)

  • @wittmann:

    Anniversary was special for me, because we were given it as a wedding present. I purposely did not buy 1942, as it seemed to pale in comparison.
    It came and was so large and impressive, it was not hard to see why I loved it. (I mean really, what was there to compare before it?)
    Now playing it on AAA,it seems small and silly. I miss the complicated rules of 1940.

    Yeah, I began with 1942.2, it looked too big, too complex and too long, and it was very excting. Now when I played the 1914, and 1940 it looks small, short, and easy.
    I wont be buying 1939, because, there is no place tho play it  :-D. It’s way too expensive for me too.

  • '16 '15 '10

    I think what sets Global apart are 1) the map design, which will spawn many different scenarios 2) the advanced A&A ruleset that has been developed via experiences of Revised, AA50, etc.  3) a real Pacific battle and a more realistic mainland Asia.  Not to mention the awesomeness of air and naval bases!  A&A continues to improve and Global is the latest and greatest!

  • Europe 40, Then Global, then Milton Bradley edition in that order.

  • I like the 1940 because the scenarios variety too. In 1942 it’s like the same game everytime (Germany kills Russia, Allies go all KGF/KJF…) Another thing is that it’s very balanced. Actually more complex and larger game means more balanced game.
    It’s fun how you can represent certain events too.

  • For me, this is a no brainer.  1940 global is the largest, longest, most intense a&a game out there.  The sculpts are great, there are smaller powers that you don’t see in many a&a games, and it is never too predictable.  I have had games where America is out of the war by turn 4, and times when the Germans take out the Soviet Union before France.  There is nothing better.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Europe 1999 for me.  This is the game I play with new players, I just love it and its little differences (convoy centers, oil fields and the 12 IPC head start.)

  • For me it all depends on how many players we have.  I voted A&A Europe '99 for if we have 3or 4 players.  It always has been the gold standard in my opinion.
    If we have 5 or more, without a doubt it’s Global '40.2
    2 players would be the miniatures games, any version.

  • Global followed by Milton Bradley

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    AA50! Clearly!  :-D
    but I also have a soft spot for the Classic board and the clean generic sculpts that introduced me to this thing in the first place. 80s nostalgia and Revised I suppose, for making me fall back in love with A&A, and for the tank crush, and putting artillery into the mix once and for all.

    But the 50th Anniversary edition is my favorite board hands down. The 6 man split with Italy, the 18 vcs, the attempt to include official rules for bonuses and tech, and the box and map design. It was the last board to come with paper money and a full compliment of factory sculpts.

    I wish I could get as excited about the tactical theater boards and Global. I bought the 1940 games mainly for the sculpts, and the giant board, but in terms of the gameplay and hours spent playing my heart remains with AA50. Even if China annoys me, its still the best.

  • for me it was the original pacific. quick, engaging and quite balanced once everybody gets used to the map, disposition of units etc.

    and its fast !!! thats why i love it, I just can’t spent all those hours on aa40 anymore and neither can my gaming group. It’s the only board that lets you have the full spectrum of options that is playable in one night of epic dicerolling  :evil:. that is why this is still my favorite board and it still feels fresh even after all these years.

    my second favorite is 1914 damn this game is awesome i just love the mechanics and simplicity of the rules and trench warfare grind. people say its unbalanced I dunno about that, its about even wins for CP and for allies  (but my group and I are bunch of epic drunks so that might explain it hehehe)

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