Staying with the topic:
I like the idea of the French going before Germany, but I agree that if France went first, you would need to re-do the starting set-up, and tweak the political rules as well. Right now the game is set for the French to fall early to give the axis an economic boost (Germany 1st turn in most cases). If it took a couple turns to take Paris, then you would probably need to push back the US/Russia entry by a turn too.
If this was to happen, I think you would probably need to make new political rules for the French, not allowing them to attack Italy on the first turn. The allies were still trying to bring Italy to their side or at least keep them neutral at this time by offering Italy territory as compensation. Italy didn’t DOW against the allies until June 10th, 1940 after Paris fell (Mussolini wanted in for the spoils). Italy starting off neutral say until its first turn would also change the game as we know it (UK couldn’t attack it like it does now).
The Germans start the game with Hol/Belg, and a good size army bordering France so they have position, but the starting set-up couldn’t allow for the French to attack into German held territory (unless it was a suicide run). Ideally for this to work, there should have been another French territory between W Germany, and France (Lorraine) with Paris completely land locked by French territory. Also extending S France to Switzerland so N Italy only touches S France (stalling the Italians from taking Paris). If this was the case then you could leave the French turn were it is, allow them to move and buy units because the Germans couldn’t get to Paris on the first turn. Paris would still need to fall on G2 though, so Germany might need a boost in units (probably mech/tanks). This would be a cool scenario to play out, but I think these map changes would allow it to work better.
Getting to all axis/all allies turn order:
The G40 turn order has most euro allies, and euro axis going back to back. US 4th and UK 6th pretty much go back to back (only China 5th between them), and Italy/Germany only have Anz/France between them once the game gets going (Ita 7th, Anz 8th, Fr 9th, Germ 1st). France, and Anz rarely get to do much in-between, but there is the occasional threat of taking out a blocker, grabbing a key territory, or suicide mission.
Many ppl play w/all axis, the all allies, and I have always wanted to try it (just haven’t). I’m assuming that we are talking about certain axis/allies powers working together though, and also able to make attacks at the same time. This would take out the can-opener strat that the game has, but major power preforming attacks together does sound pretty cool. It would probably boil down to US/UK/Anz/France all buying moving, and attacking at the same time. Germany/Italy doing the same, but Japan and Russia still having their own turns, not able to work with their with their team partners.
I have also heard some ppl say to use the turn order as is for the first round, then merge the abilities of the powers that can work together round two.
I guess round two would look like this (again I have no experience with this):
Germany/Italy (Japan, but can’t make attacks with friends)
US/China/UK/Anz/France (Russia, but can’t make attacks w/friends)