Anybody have any liks to non HBG World War One naval and air units in Axis and Allies scale???
Need Konig Class Dreadnoughts and iconic ships of the period
I just nominated Der Kuenstler for a new badge called “DEVOTEE” please follow the link to support this idea.
I am not sure what to say… I am rather in shock.
Very nice!
Thanks for your comments - I posted these pics because I knew that with your great affection for this game only you hardcore players would fully appreciate it.
Your room is incredible. I hope to do something like this one day, but for now I have my garage.
One of your ideas that our group would greatly benifiet from is the consultation map in the next room. Bravo on all your efforts.
Fantastic rooms! Looks like great atmosphere for playing.
WOW DK! I have a tremendous respect for your enthusiasm for the game! Awesome brother!
This is amazing!
This is just awesome!!! Love the hats!!!
Love everything about that room. Everything!!
All you need is a potbelly stove, a couch to sleep on and some war rakes and you’d have my perfect man cave.
Very nice! I’m very impressed and I share your love of making a game room. I’ve tried to do the same w/ my basement. You’ve given me some great ideas to add to my room. Thanks for sharing.
This is the most EPIC game room I have ever seen!!
I want to come and play just to check it out.
Outstanding. Very jealous.
Yes, this war room is even better than the real one Churchill used during WWII! (The Cabinet War Rooms, which are open to the public and which I visited a number of years ago.)
Outstanding!!! :-o Absolutely love it! Gives me some things to aspire to. You have defanitly set the game room decor bar very high w/ this set up. Superb job. Thanks for sharing the pics and your enthusiasim is infectious.
Thanks for the encouraging comments! This is my latest addition to the war room - my first attempt at a diorama. In this scene a German column takes a break while moving through France - 1944.
The scene looks a little sparse now but I plan to add a Puma recon car, a PZ IVH, and some more foot soldiers from some kits I have yet to finish. Just some more ambience for the room. Â Â
Beautiful diorama. This is way beyond my own abilities – the closest I could come to replicating this scene would be to take a Sdkfz-251 sculpt from Europe 1940, a Tiger 1 sculpt from A&A1941 and a few German infantry sculpts and plunk them down on the green felt surface of a dice tray to simulate the presence of vegetation. Anyway, this will be a great addition to your war room!
Very sweet Der!