Christmas world war 2 background music for your 1940 Global Game

  • Merry Christmas everyone.  If you have the chance to try this background out at your next A&A game prior to Christmas, let me know how it goes.  It consists of world war 2 Christmas broadcasts from the various nations as well as Christmas songs representing the different nations.  I hope you enjoy and that it enhances your delight this time of year.  Of course you’ll probably need to put it on repeat and some may be deleted over time:

  • That is amazing.  I’ve just gotten started but it looks and sounds so incredible.  Good work and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  • Thanks Dafyd, I’m glad you enjoyed it.  My Christmas season has been way to hectic to be able to sit down and play some A&A, but I hope to try this out with a game one of these years.  I have a strong association between soldiers and Christmas probably due to being in the Nutcracker musical when I was young and also having GI Joe toys as frequently desired Christmas gifts growing up.  So for me, playing a game of A&A with Christmas music (especially with a few selections from the Nutcracker representing Russia) is very appealing.

  • Excellent find. You can download the entire YouTube playlist, as a video or mp3, with the tool: 4K Video Downloader.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Christmas bump.

    'tis the season : ) worth a listen : )

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