I can’t quite make out the board. Would you take 2 pictures, each one half of the board, so I can get a better view?
Did your group okay getting outside advice for an active game? If not, then I cannot help you as that would be unethical.
AFAIK it was djensen himself who provided the information over there. :-)
Thanks for the answer.
The official FAQ has been updated per November 24, 2014:
What is new?
Purchasing Units
Q. Can I purposely purchase more units than I can mobilize with the intent of deciding which
units I want to keep based on the outcome of battles I intend to fight?
A. No. You may only purchase as many units as you will have the ability to mobilize after making repairs
to any damaged industrial complexes. The rules for returning excess units are intended only for
inadvertent over-purchasing.
I’m wondering about AAA units movement rule.
Did the official rule change about them in a revised FAQ?
Because one of my fellow players said that an addendum has been made lately on this issue.
Can you move an AAA unit on board a transport during Combat Move (with an Infantry unit also, to maximize the transport loading allowance) and unload the Inf in Combat move and the AAA in Non Combat move?
And, under the actual OOB rule, in which AAA can only move during NCM, is it possible to load both AAA unit and 1 Inf in NCM phase and unload both of them in the same NCM phase?
I’m wondering about AAA units movement rule.
Did the official rule change about them in a revised FAQ?
Because one of my fellow players said that an addendum has been made lately on this issue.
Can you move an AAA unit on board a transport during Combat Move (with an Infantry unit also, to maximize the transport loading allowance) and unload the Inf in Combat move and the AAA in Non Combat move?
And, under the actual OOB rule, in which AAA can only move during NCM, is it possible to load both AAA unit and 1 Inf in NCM phase and unload both of them in the same NCM phase?
Yes, as long as they both offload into the same territory.
Thanks Krieghund for the reply.
It definitly clear things out for me about this rule.
Are factories allowed on Islands, If not… where does it say?
Yes they are, YG.
Hope your game went well.
Yes they are, YG.
Hope your game went well.
Thanks Wittmann, and it’s next Saturday I play. Cheers
There’s no limit on factory builds right… if we run out, can we just substitute something as a factory token?
That is right, YG.
Quote from the FAQ:
Q. How many shots do antiaircraft artillery (AAA) units fire?
A. Each AAA unit in the territory may fire up to 3 shots, but each attacking air unit may be fired upon only once. In other words, the total number of air defense dice rolled is either 3 times the number of AAA units, or the number of attacking air units, whichever is the lesser. For example, 5 fighters attacking a territory containing 2 AAA units would have 5 shots fired against them while those same 5 fighters would have only 3 shots fired against them if there were only 1 defending AAA unit.
So how many AAA shots if 2 aircraft and 2 AAA?
My reading was 4 shots. One shot at each aircraft from each AAA.
Credulous pointed out that “the total number of air defense dice rolled is either 3 times the number of AAA units, or the number of attacking air units, whichever is the lesser” means only 2 shots. That would appear to be correct from a literal reading of the words, but seems counter-intuitive to me.
Our thanks to anyone who is able to clarify for us.
Credulous is credulous.
Thanks Krieghund! Panic need no longer Panic!
To be fair to Credulous his interpretation was a literal one. You may want to look at the clarity of the wording.
I’m just messing with you. Credulous is correct.
I am incredulous!
Hey guys!
I played a game with my friends yesterday and we had an interesting situation which needs clarification for me. Japan was sucessfully invaded by USA and UK by Germany the round after, both without hope to retake the capital. Japan had by this time taken over India amongst other asian countries. My question is:
1 - Can Germany take control of India that is currently Japanese considering Japan doesn’t have a capital?
2 - Can Germany take control of original Japanese territories (Manchuria etc) that are not under enemy control.
Thanks in advance!
No, to both.
It is annoying having territories, but not be able to collect income, but that is the rule.
Germany has to wait until those territories are captured by an Allied nation, then retake them, yo claim the income.
Actual shortcut to the FAQ (instead of clicking through 20 pages):
They revamped the website a couple of months ago, and apparently broke all of the FAQ links so that they now go to the main page. I’ll fix them when I get a few minutes.