The Graf Zeppelin was really a light carrier or CVL. It didn’t have a high plane capacity and would need freedom to operate in open waters from bases in France. I bet it would have been sunk within the week of it’s operation.
I collected some infos on the Graf Zeppelin and it seemed that the Germans back then didn´t know what to do with a CV anyway.
Seeziel-Artillerie:(Sea Arty) 16 x 15 cm L/55 Geschütze in acht Doppellafetten
Flak:(AA guns) 12 x 10,5 cm L/65 in 6 Doppellafetten, 22 x 3,7 cm L/83 in 11 Doppellafetten, 28 x 2 cm in 7 Vierlingslafetten
Flugzeuge:(Planes) 20 Mehrzweck-Maschinen Fi 156, 10 Jagdflugzeuge Me 109 T,  13 Sturzkampfbomber Ju 87 (Die Maschinen sollten in der Trägergruppe 186 zusammengefaßt werden.)
What caught my attention is that the Kriegsmarine seriously considered to use the Fi 156, a propeller plane mostly used for reconaissance missions. It could be equipped with a 135 kg waterbomb or clusters but I doubt the effectivness of those planes in Air to Air combat or Air to sea combat. Only 10 Me´s and 13 Stukkas would have been on the CV.
What were they thinking??..reconaissance the enemy to death?.. :-D