I was able to see it over the weekend and also felt it was uneven. A few highlights of what stuck out to me:
The entirety of the story was extremely serious with little to no room for the comic relief sidekick, yet they threw one in anyway. A lot of people seemed to like the droid, but I didn’t really. He certainly wasn’t anything new and his jokes and sarcasm fell completely flat on me. I may have chuckled once, but that was about it. His character’s tone clashed with the rest of the film rather than complemented it; I found him very distracting.
The rest of the characters didn’t have much to differentiate them from each other, even the leads. The Spaniard was okay, but he was less the swashbuckling rebel and more a muddled and jaded guy whose motivations were unclear and conduct contradictory. The secondary characters weren’t memorable. I felt I had been sold something on Donnie Yen’s character in the trailers, which didn’t really come to fruition in the film. He was a letdown for sure.
Darth Vader just felt off for some reason. The planet/lair for his introduction was ridiculous. I couldn’t place it, but his voice had something wrong with it and the costume looked completely digital rather than tangible. His presence in the scene with the Krennic was not very intimidating. All that said, later when Vader comes in at the end, I thought he was downright terrifying and showed him in his true power, menace and invulnerability.
I liked Ben Mendelsohn as Krennic - he is the archetypal Imperial, but didn’t feel he was able to express the range of his character. Grand Moff Tarkin was… highly distracting to say the least. I didn’t find his appearance convincing. I would rather they had used the actor from the end of Ep III (who is clearly supposed to be Tarkin). Princess Leia on the other hand I thought was good; at least her appearance. Her brief dialogue was corny and pun-ish, but it didn’t bother me much.
I thought the first half or more of the space battle was excellent. It, more than anything else, felt like ‘real’ Star Wars to me and just made me happy inside. There were things that I thought could have been done differently to achieve a more Ep IV and VI feel to the battle, but overall it was good. I didn’t find the inclusion of Gold and Red Leader from Ep IV too distracting, probably because I knew about it ahead of time. I was under the impression there was going to be more of them though. Red Leader calling out about Red 5 felt very much like an unnecessary cut-and-paste; like it clearly did not belong in this movie.
I felt the end rushed to tie everything up and provide an immediate transition into A New Hope, which I also found unnecessary. I can understand why it was done, because I am sure there would have been a greater outcry if it was not shown. It just seemed too clean and convenient. Not to mention that the battle on the planet just felt completely depressing. Spoiler: nobody survives.
The fan service elements were not as annoying as they were in Force Awakens, but they were still there and were eyesores for someone who doesn’t like being patronized.
It was a movie worth seeing, but isn’t everything it was hyped to be.