my third Item:
These are both a good laugh. I didn’t see em on the forum but thought they were worth sharing.
Just watched these. They were great.
Heh heh- Nice one Jermo- had me thrown for a loop for a second there.
Jermo I had no idea where that was going. After I re-read that it all made sense. That was a good one :-D
“Not allowed to share with Europe” ?
What kind of crap is this ?
The call from Vader is the best
I fall over everytime I hear that
“Not allowed to share with Europe” ?
What kind of crap is this
I have no idea- One link is a fan film everyone should be able to see it. The other is a link to Robot Chicken’s star wars spoof.
I wish I had posted it randomly to get the full surprise, but oh well.
“Not allowed to share with Europe” ?
What kind of crap is this ?
A lot of countries block certain sites. There are ways around it though.
What really happened in Episode IV:
Troops!! :-D
One of my sons (age 5) was with his mother in a department store, when a man with a profound grey beard and hair in a black sports jacket walks by. My son screams at the top of his lungs, “Count Dooku” and points.
How about that for Star Wars Humor. LoL
That’s funny. Did the guy know who Count Dooku was?
No he justed gave a nervious stare and removed himself from the situation.
Jermo this is hilarious, had me wondering until the end when the lightbulb finally went on. :-D
Quote from: Jermofoot on January 20, 2010, 09:48:40 am
ROFL that was great.