@dawgoneit again? Sorry, I will post the good one in a few hours
Find league opponents here
House ruled game is still in spreadsheet (development) form
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhOB4pSke42ydGh6d2NwRDJRRzBteEsyU1EtNGhXVUE#gid=7There is a stickied discussion thread for it, in the league section
Any questions, please ask me
House ruled game is still in spreadsheet (development) form
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhOB4pSke42ydGh6d2NwRDJRRzBteEsyU1EtNGhXVUE#gid=7There is a stickied discussion thread for it, in the league section
Any questions, please ask me
You literally ninjad me. I was about to show him the file :cry:
I am looking for a player who wants to play and test the house league rule version with me.
I’m intrigued. This is the first I’ve heard of it - I’ve been under a rock lately. Is there a condensed rules book and game file I can check out?
I’m interested @Soulblighter:
I am looking for a player who wants to play and test the house league rule version with me.
Once you read the file gamerman posted, if you still want to play, we can set a game up. Then it all depends if you want to go first or not. I am guessing it would be easier for me to go first as I already played it. Then again I probably should help you out as much as possible…
I’m up for another game. Bid, nt, 1 bid unit per territory. Dice or ll. Prefer faster games with moves daily or at least every other day. Pm if interested.
I am looking for a game. 1 unit/TT. Bids may not include additional naval units for allies other then transports and no additional air units other then a bomber for Russians in Moscow. I need to get some practice for the next league season.
I am looking for a game. I prefer axis, no tech and rather no submarine for the uk in the med. Other then that if you provide with a normal average bid, I will probably accept. Given the fact my play is bad at the moment, odds are you will win anyways. So what are you waiting for.
I am looking to lose a few more league games before the season ends. Get it all out of my system, you understand. PM if intersted. 1 unit/TT, dice. I am even up for Tech Tokens that carry over, as they play quite different and are very fun.
Tech Tokens anyone? If not, I GUESS I’ll still play. :-P
When does the new season begin? :evil:
I’m looking for a game with any tier 3 or 4 folks. PM me a bid if interested.
We are about a month from end of the regular playing season for 2014 league. Regular league play ends 11/2/2014 at 2359 GMT -5 (EST)
Just a head’s up.
looking for a game, probably won’t end this season……pm me if you want a game.
Looking for a G40 game, PM if interested.
Anyone want to squeeze a quick game in before the end of the league? I play fast and would prefer someone who can post a couple times a day.
I bid 18 for allies.
PM if interested.
Looking for a tier 3 or 4 opponent, I’ve had enough beatings of those in tier 1 / 2 whom I can’t win over :)
Normal dice, no tech, please PM if interested.
looking for a solidly tier 2 opponent i have not yet played for a quickly played game, ie needs to be slipped in before the end of the year. pm me if interested.
looking for a solidly tier 2 opponent i have not yet played for a quickly played game, ie needs to be slipped in before the end of the year. pm me if interested.
by solidly tier 2 i mean a loss to me will not bump them down to tier 3. I don’t think there’s anyone in that category now that i look so any tier 2 which I have not yet played this year interested?
Looking for a tier 1 opponent. No tech and I prefer LL if you’re up for it…
pm me if interested
Looking for a non-tier4 opponent for the next season. Come on guys!