Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • @barnee
    Scrambling by the rules is a defender’s move that occurs as the very last action during the attacker’s Combat Move Phase.
    SBR occurs at the beginning of the Conduct Combat Phase.
    So by the rules scrambling is always happening before SBR.

    (TripleA handles all of this correctly. In this context an issue with rocket technology has been resolved recently, but is only available in the latest pre-releases (Engine version 1.10.x).)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Panther right on. Thank you.

  • '22 '16

    I should probably know this but I am unsure. Can the allied powers take Brazil and activate it with only an AA gun? Or does it have to be a inf, tank, art, or mech? Thanks.

  • Moderator 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    @majikforce Good morning. Has to be a ground unit with an attack value. Not an AA , therefore.

  • '19 '18

    Two carriers start your turn in range of a sea zone that you decide to engage in a naval battle. The Naval battle will include a fighter which has flown maximum range and must land in that sea zone. You send Carrier A into the naval battle and leave Carrier B in place with intentions of moving it elsewhere during non-combat. You declare Carrier A to be the legal landing space for the max-movement fighter. No planes have declared Carrier B as a legal landing space in its intended non-combat movement.

    If, during the battle, Carrier A is damaged or destroyed but the max-movement fighter survives, is Carrier B obligated to move to the battle sea zone on non-combat to catch the fighter? Or can the fighter be ditched/destroyed because its intended landing space was destroyed and Carrier B move elsewhere?

    If the answer is that Carrier B is obligated to move to catch the fighter, my follow up question would be, can Carrier B move in the combat move phase into a sea zone where no combat is actually taking place to take itself out of range or is that illegal? (I believe Triple A will let you do this, but not sure it’s legal to move units during the combat move phase that aren’t participating in a battle)

  • @Tizkit

    Carrier B must move there to provide a landing space for the surviving fighter.

    From the rulebook, Pacific 1940.2, page 22

    Aircraft carriers can move to sea zones to allow friendly
    fighters and tactical bombers to land. They must move there,
    range permitting, if they didn’t move in the Combat Move
    phase and the friendly sea zone is the only valid landing zone
    for the air units.
    An aircraft carrier and a fighter or tactical
    bomber must both end their moves in the same sea zone in
    order for the air unit to land on the carrier.

    The requirement during Combat Movement simply is:

    Rulebook Pacific 1940.2, page 13:

    A fighter or tactical bomber can move its full 4 spaces to attack in a sea zone instead of saving movement, but only if a carrier could be there for it to land on by the conclusion of the Mobilize New Units phase.

    So concerning your follow up question: Yes you can move Carrier B during Combat Move Phase. But you must comply to the rules for Combat Movement of course, which would for example mean that this carrier has to end his Combat Move in a hostile seazone, participating in an attack there.

    HTH :smiley:

  • Just to be clear, the carrier is forced to go get that plane?
    If so, I guess that redaction will be our first house rule. As long as the landing requirements are met during the combat move, it’s all good.
    It should be players choice to go save that plane or not. I refuse to let the book dictate strategy at that level.

  • @Phelan-Kell said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    Just to be clear, the carrier is forced to go get that plane?
    If so, I guess that redaction will be our first house rule. As long as the landing requirements are met during the combat move, it’s all good.
    It should be players choice to go save that plane or not. I refuse to let the book dictate strategy at that level.

    I agree and disagree with this. I’m not going to risk losing another carrier on enemies next combat turn where now I just lose the fig due to no landing spot. But I’ve seen this argued both ways. The planes came from Carrier A and must land on that Carrier A. If Carrier A is sunk or has damage those plane/s are still flying in the air and will run out of gas and Carrier B will not get there in time. We can go deeper on this. How many hours or Minutes do the Figs have left in flying time ? LOL
    The only legal landing spot for planes is on Carrier A because planes and Carrier went into combat together.

    I can maybe see if Carrier B is only 1 Sea zone away then planes can land on carrier B in non combat.

    Ya just agree with players on which way you want to go.

  • @Phelan-Kell said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    Just to be clear, the carrier is forced to go get that plane?

    Yes, the first quote in my above posting is a must during NCM.
    The second quote explicitly states that the requirement extends until “the conclusion of the Mobilize New Units Phase”.

  • Does the side of the board matter for Axis victory cities? As in, could Germany win by taking Calcutta rather than Cairo for its last city?

  • @weddingsinger This is how the Axis wins the game (Rulebook, Pacific 1940.2, page 33):

    The Axis wins the game by controlling either any 8 victory cities on the Europe map or any 6 victory cities on the Pacific map for a complete round of play (ending with the next turn of the Axis power that captured the final required city), as long as they control an Axis capital (Berlin, Rome, or Tokyo) at the end of that round.

    So yes, the side of the board matters.

  • '19 '17 '16

    If you have armour in FIC & mechs in Hunan and Yunnan is Chinese controlled, can you move those units into Yunnan then blitz into Shan State or Burma? My guess is no because they way the accompanying blitz is described in the rulebook only allows for the mech starting in the same territory as the tank. Has this question been asked before? I’ve actually been wondering it for a while.

  • @simon33 Good morning.
    You can’t do that.
    Both units need to start in the same territory and travel through an empty territory together, then on to a second one together, be it empty or occupied.

  • @simon33 So you did guess correctly.

  • Can submarines move into an enemy seazone that contains destroyers on the non-combat phase?

  • @weddingsinger Yes, as Combat is over .

  • @weddingsinger Yes, but it must end its movement there.

    Rulebook Pacific 1940.2, page 32:

    Treat Hostile Sea Zones as Friendly: A submarine can move through a sea zone that contains enemy units, either in combat or
    noncombat movement. However, if a submarine enters a sea zone containing an enemy destroyer, it must end its movement
    there. If it ends its combat move in a hostile sea zone, combat will occur.

  • That’s like a double standard. It blocks sub from moving through ( as a combat situation ) but not combat. Crazy

  • '19 '17 '16

    Crazier to let the subs through though. I think it’s an odd rule and counter intuitive, but it’s there. Intuitively, you’d think that you can’t move into a hostile sea zone on non combat even with subs.

  • Ya but this is for g40 game. I’ll have to bow out of this discussion. It wouldn’t take much to change this mostly the right way. BUT
    Later Gentlemen

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