• Is there any way to keep track of individual units for the sake of game analysis (e.g. by giving each unit its own unique alphanumeric designation)?

    Also, if (along with the color change) we could get rid of ‘Pro-Axis’ and ‘Pro-Allied’ territory tags after they’ve been conquered and that information is no longer relevant, that would be good (as well as adding the appropriate ‘Pro-X’ tags to true neutrals after they had been invaded by the other side).

    Cheers, MIR

  • TripleA '12

    Hi Veqryn,

    Any thoughts or comments on my suggestions?  :?

    Many thanks,


  • Customizer

    @ loz
    1. I don’t think i will be changing it, there isn’t really enough room.

    2. I can probably find a way to increase the default size by a little bit

    3. Actually i don’t really like this idea

    @ ash,
    1. Unfortunately that would not be mathematically fair.  Any time you merge things, the math ends up being unfair in some exploitable way.

    2. I hope to add a panel for objectives.  The problem is however, there are lots and lots of objectives and conditions and stuff, and they will not make sense to the user 99% of the time if we pull it from the engine data.  However, most maps with objectives have “Game Notes” that detail everything you need to know.

    @ mir,
    1. I don’t really understand what you mean by tracking individual units.  What would the point be?  How would this help anyone besides making the UI more confusing….

    2. Right now the map picture stuff is static and won’t go away.  Maybe in the future we can make it dynamic in some way.

  • TripleA '12

    @ loz
    1. I don’t think i will be changing it, there isn’t really enough room.

    2. I can probably find a way to increase the default size by a little bit

    3. Actually i don’t really like this idea

    Thanks Veqryn. In response to that I would say:

    1. That’s a shame. Can you at least make the scrollbar moveable? Otherwise, I can’t see all the units involved in a prospective embattled territory.

    2. Thank you. I only ask that all the relevant info pertaining to a battle be immediately available to view in the combat screen, without having to move/adjust anything.

    3. Why don’t you like this idea? It is intuitive and I think it would be a great improvement. Less micro-management, less time consuming.

    Thanks again.

  • Customizer

    the scroll bar moves for me….

  • @Veqryn:

    @ ash,
    1. Unfortunately that would not be mathematically fair.  Any time you merge things, the math ends up being unfair in some exploitable way.

    2. I hope to add a panel for objectives.  The problem is however, there are lots and lots of objectives and conditions and stuff, and they will not make sense to the user 99% of the time if we pull it from the engine data.  However, most maps with objectives have “Game Notes” that detail everything you need to know.

    Thanks for your answers

    1. Ok

    2. Ok. I don’t think these “Game Notes” are available from the thumbnails on top, right? I see the game notes when I choose a specific game on the starting screen, but it would be nice to have it in the “Game” tab on top, just below “View Game Options…”

    3. A new question, would it be possible to have an option so that the Low Luck SBR do 2 less dmg when there is an AA defending, instead of rolling @1 to destroy the Bmb? The 2 dmg being 1/6th of a Bmb cost. So a SBR would do 3 or 4 dmg against no AA, and 1 or 2 against an AAgun. We’ve always worked this way in our LL matches.


  • Customizer

    Game Notes are available from the “help” menu while playing a game.

    Also, the suggestion of not rolling aa guns when sbr bombing would be too weird to code.  Remember we don’t just play Global, we also play revised, classic, and many other games.

  • Ok thanks

  • @Veqryn:

    @ mir,
    I don’t really understand what you mean by tracking individual units.  What would the point be?  How would this help anyone besides making the UI more confusing….

    Tracking individual units would do (at least) two things:

    1. Allow players to identify with particular units, to give them more ‘flavor’ with the game’s mechanics, e.g.: “I hope this fighter makes it through this battle; he’s been through four so far.”

    2. Allow strategists to better understand the optimal use of certain units (especially starting units) by being able to see where they end up in a typical game, e.g.: “JF003 (Japan Fighter #3) ended up in the Mediterranean in this game; very strange!”

    Neither of these functions is vital, but I judge both to be desirable.

  • @Make_It_Round:


    @ mir,
    I don’t really understand what you mean by tracking individual units.  What would the point be?  How would this help anyone besides making the UI more confusing….

    Tracking individual units would do (at least) two things:

    1. Allow players to identify with particular units, to give them more ‘flavor’ with the game’s mechanics, e.g.: “I hope this fighter makes it through this battle; he’s been through four so far.”

    2. Allow strategists to better understand the optimal use of certain units (especially starting units) by being able to see where they end up in a typical game, e.g.: “JF003 (Japan Fighter #3) ended up in the Mediterranean in this game; very strange!”

    Neither of these functions is vital, but I judge both to be desirable.

    Haha it would be awesome :)

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I noticed a minor problem in game editing.  I rushed through a turn as Germany and forgot to get two German infantry off an Italian transport.  My opponent was kind and tried to edit the Red Sea zone to remove the two infantry and place them in Egypt.  He failed, so I tried again during the Japanese turn.  We kept hitting the following error messages:
    A - Deleting all three units gave an error message about deleting units of mixed nationality
    B - Deleting the infantry failed since it was loaded on a transport
    C - Deleting the transport failed since the infantry were loaded

    Any solutions to this?

  • Customizer

    so what you can do is,

    instead of using “Edit Mode  -> Edit”

    use “Edit Mode  ->  Action”

    Basically, turn on edit mode.  Then in the Tabs on the right side, click “action”.

    Now you can do any actions, like moving the units.

    (now move the units you wanted to move, then turn off edit mode)

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    I had no idea that feature existed before… LOL quite a game changer that one.

    I was so used to removing and replacing units. Now I can just move them!

  • Customizer



    I had no idea that feature existed before… LOL quite a game changer that one.

    I was so used to removing and replacing units. Now I can just move them!


    i wish there was a way to make more of these features more obvious….

    i had the same reaction the first time i was told you could do that too.

    Actually, by using “actions during edit mode” you can even have an enemy started battle.

    Italy forgot to attack 1 infantry in alexandria with some of her units. 
    Anzac is a nice guy and agrees to do the “edit” for italy. 
    Anzac switches to “Edit Mode” during combat move, and then switches the tabs to “Action” tab.
    Anzac then moves the Italian units to attack alexandria.
    Anzac then turns off edit mode.

    When the battles come up, Italy will be attacking alexandria just as if it was still italy’s turn.

    rather cool.

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Thanks Veqryn, that worked very well.


  • If being able to host without port forwarding is too far out of reach,
    how about a dedicated server with remote admin?

  • I´m not sure if the thread is still open, but i post some feature request for TripleA here:

    1 @__Feature__ Request “Delete Button” for older Saved Games.
    It would be nice when i load a save game, if it is also possible that i can directly delete older saved games in/with the same windows.

    2 @ Feature Request: “Center Button” after an air attack

    I attack with Fighters Seazone 116. Sink the enemy fleet and the fighters survive.
    Then i conduct several other combats everywhere on the map.
    In the End of the “Non Combat Phase”, a windows pop up, “Air unit can´t land”.

    I can press now “Keep Moving” or “End Move Phase”: seazone 116

    Is it possible to pop up a marker/button with “center” like it is in the Combat phase, in the same windows so that Triple A directly goes to seazone 116 where i have to move the airplanes when i press this new center marker/button?

    Especially for beginners, that would be a great help because it is not so easy to explain them how they can find seazone 116, if there was several fights one the map.

    3 @ Feature Request “Additional Windows for IPC Infos”
    An extra/additional windows before i start my turn, where i can see exactly how much IPC i had last round and how much i have in this round.
    It should also show where and how much IPCs i lost from blockade. Maybe in the Game option i can choose to activate this optional windows, because in a email game it is certainly not necessary but in an online game it would make the game flow more smoother and faster, because it is not necessary to open the game history.

    4 @ Feature Request “Timer” for Online Games
    I´m a big fan from online games and therefore an option to play with a timer would be nice. The reason for a timer is that you have than only let´s say 20 minutes to react and you don´t have the time to test several movers, battle calculator etc.
    So both sides makes failure because of the pressure to end their turn into the time limit.

    A @  more improvement, than an Feature Request (Map global 1940 Alpha +3)

    When there is a Major Factory, it should not be allowed to build an additional Minor Factory at the same time.
    Maybe there is a rule , which i don´t know, but i should get a warning, that i can´t place more Minor IPCs in a territory with a major Factory. The same thing, it should not be allowed from the engine to build more than 1 Minor IPCs pro territory, because you can only mobilise 3 unit there.

    B @ more improvement, than an Feature Request (Map global 1940 Alpha +3)

    Handling Triple A: Close a windows
    When a windows for example “End Move” is open it looks like i can close it per keyboard, with pressing  Ja (German=Yes) or Nein (German=no). But i can´t close it with j or y.
    This is maybe we have installed windows or java in german?

  • @Babubaer:

    Handling Triple A: Close a windows
    When a windows for example “End Move” is open it looks like i can close it per keyboard, with pressing  Ja (German=Yes) or Nein (German=no). But i can’t close it with j or y.
    This is maybe we have installed windows or java in german?

    Try pressing “Z” instead. American/English keyboards have the “y” where we Germans have the “z” and vice versa.

  • Thanxs P@nther good idea, but pressing “Z” does not work!

    So i test all keys and voila pressing “Enter” than it works. :-D

  • Customizer

    both spacebar and enter will “select” whatever button or thing is currently “focused”

    as far as short-cut keys, you can figure out what the short cut key is, if any, by holding down ALT usually
    (the key will appear with an underline under it)

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