• In all the posts for a japanese attack… I never hear a strat for wiping Mongolia out!
    Does anyone start a battle with them early?.. I start right off the bat and continue till they are gone.

  • Why bother? They’re not worth any ipc’s and distract you from the real objectives

  • NO IPC’s???  Explain… Do they not have printed numbers?

  • Only of the number of infantry each space has when attacked, no IPC value.

  • @Axis:

    NO IPC’s???  Explain… Do they not have printed numbers?

    IPC’s have circles around them. :wink:

  • You can shorten an indirect route.

  • It just never occured to me that they did not have an IPC value since the many Xeno Games World at War system games played where each neutral territory had an IPC value. A reward… if you will… for having a battle in the first place.
    I realize that in Pacific it is not a big deal but what about Europe? I mean Turkey and such have to have a value right??? Why even have such elaborate neutral country rules if after all… they mean no IPC increase?
    I do not see gaining some access as a viable reason to commit forces for…

  • Having uploaded the Europe map… I see that indeed there are neutral spaces with IPC values.
    Still strange that some do and some don’t… as in Mongolia.

  • The territories that held some significance in the actual war and had developed economies at the time (like Brazil, Spain, Turkey, Sweden, etc.) have values, but territories like Mongolia that held no value then (and still doesn’t hold much now… no offense to any Mongolians out there  :-D) don’t have any IPCs. They only have garrisons to defend themselves.

  • Customizer


    NO IPC’s???  Explain… Do they not have printed numbers?

    Don’t feel bad Commander, I made the same mistake thinking that the number of infantry also meant the number of IPCs available.  At first, one of my main strategies as Japan was to march through Mongolia and pick up an “extra” 6 IPCs.  I have a chart for each country showing their percentage of gain and I had to change it all to remove the 6 Mongolian IPCs that didn’t exist in the first place.

  • TripleA '12

    Will the Mongolian territories have some (if any) IPC value in the upcoming reprint? It would be a shame to see such a large, concentrated group of territories, all garrisoned, to have no value whatsoever. The way I see it, conquering them as Japan will certainly not open up any short-cuts to Moscow…

  • Can you confirm Mongolian Inf (represented by Russian ones) like all other attacked neutrals cannot leave their own borders? Thank you. I presumed they could be used to bolster Russian defences, then read neutrals could not leave their country when activated. On J1 I like to attack Amur, so if they cannot move out I am happier!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Neutrals just turn into PRO-Axis, or PRO-Allied when attacked.  They don’t move, until you move in there, and activate them.  Then they are YOUR troops.

  • So Russia could attack Japanese troops outside of Mongolia using these 6 Inf or move in to china to defend?

  • @wittman:

    So Russia could attack Japanese troops outside of Mongolia using these 6 Inf or move in to china to defend?

    Not in the Pacific game (As Russia does not exist as a player power nor have any units), but they could potentially in the Global game.

    Neutral territories activate their infantry as a territory is attacked.  Any remaining infantry will turn into whatever friendly nation is first to noncom into them and take control of that territory.  At that point they’re controlled by the player that now controls the territory and are no different than any other infantry of that power.

  • Obviously only in Global, but in oct 2011 alpha3 says if Japan attacks  any Russian territory bordering Mongolia the 6 Inf are placed  at the end of Japan’ s go and controlled by them. Sounds like Mongolia is an exception to the Allied friendly rule because their territory does not need to be attacked for their Inf to be placed in their borders.  My question is still: can Russia move them out on their next turn without first moving into Mongolia to activate them?

  • Yes they can, the moment a russian territorry is attacked bordering mongolia (unless Russia attacked a japanese controlled territorry bordering mongolia), all the mongolian territorries are converted to russian territorries instantly and the infrantries are placed. After that they are threated as soviet troops as any other soviet troops that are on the board

  • Thanks. That is how I always played it. Means if I attack Amur on J1, I am fighting a worthless battle (IPC wise) for the 1st half of any game, while UK/Anzac are getting wealthier. It is either that or ignore them and prepare for a J2 DOW, always looking worriedly over my shoulder.

  • Yes, I was speaking more in a broad sense to how the infantry in a neutral acted, rather than Mongolia/russia/japan rules specifically.  While the neutral is still unclaimed, the infantry stay in place.  As soon as a rule or movement triggers it to become controlled by a player power, those infantry are free to be moved.

    It is still possible (however unlikely) for Mongolia to become “pro-ally” and the UK or another power to claim them first, in which case they still behave like any other neutral territory.

  • I was confused by things. Am clear now. Thanks. Despite Cow’s confidence and my love of the Axis, am still a very nervous Japanese player though. Just seems like there are so many things to do and so many  cracks for my many Allied enemies to squeeze through. Is lucky I am not a poor loser!

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