• '17


    The Brits are thus ferrying the Soviets who should not be there in the first place (totally neutral on that half of the world).

    This came up before and I believe they ruled that a British carrier loaded with Soviet planes on the Pacific map isn’t allowed to move onto the Europe map until the Soviet planes leave the carrier or Soviets at war in Europe.  So this situation can’t occur.

    The original example might have been Soviet infantry on a UK transport crossing the map boundary, but the principle is the same.

  • If italy DoW on russia and takes a russian territory, is it possible for germany to non-com into that new italian terr. with out being at war with russia himself?  Or is it when italy DoW on russia, germany is automatically at war with russia aswell?

  • @ghr2:

    If italy DoW on russia and takes a russian territory, is it possible for germany to non-com into that new italian terr. with out being at war with russia himself?  Or is it when italy DoW on russia, germany is automatically at war with russia aswell?

    Germany can reinforce Italian territories regardless of who originally controlled that territory.  Germany does not need to be at war with the original owner.

  • I would still like krieg’s opinion though.

  • Official Q&A

    Kcdzim is (as nearly always) correct.

  • @Krieghund:

    Kcdzim is (as nearly always) correct.

    thanks for the caveat! ;)

  • Please clarify the US NO’s “• 5 IPCs for each turn that the US has at least one land unit in the territory “France”. Theme: Great Alliance collaboration”
    For example, if France is liberated by US and axis takes France back after two turns and axis keeps France for the remaining game.
    Will US get 10 IPC each turn the rest of the game from this NO? (2 turn in France x 5 IPC = 10 IPC)

  • No, you check France during USA collect income phase.  If there is a USA ground unit in France at that time, USA gets 5 IPC’s.  Check again next USA turn.

  • TripleA

    I forgot the rules for global. I got a lone transport he got a lone sub, I can’t amphib assault right? I can ship men non combat though right? If I have an escort I can ignore the sub? do fighters count?

  • @Cow:

    I forgot the rules for global. I got a lone transport he got a lone sub, I can’t amphib assault right? I can ship men non combat though right? If I have an escort I can ignore the sub? do fighters count?

    You can’t amphibious assault with transports alone when an enemy sub is in the zone you wish to offload from.  You only need a single escorting warship (a sub counts) to amphibious assault from that zone.

    Yes, this only applies to combat movement, so you could ignore subs in non-combat with transports alone.

    No, fighters don’t count because they’re not warships.

  • Question : Can a mech paired with a tank move into unoccupied enemy territory, then move into another unoccupied enemy territory w/out the tank? Or, does the mech and tank have to be paired the whole time for the mech to blitz into two different unoccupied enemy territories?

  • @Commando:

    Question : Can a mech paired with a tank move into unoccupied enemy territory, then move into another unoccupied enemy territory w/out the tank? Or, does the mech and tank have to be paired the whole time for the mech to blitz into two different unoccupied enemy territories?

    They must start and end together

    See replies #3069 and #3070

  • You are right. If you scramble 1 fighter he has to sink your Subs and he cannot do that with any Air units if he did not bring along a DD. Thisscenario came up recently. Is a good defensive ploy.
    Lesson: (for the attacker) buy Destroyers if you are serious about Amphibious landings!

  • @wittman:

    You are right. If you scramble 1 fighter he has to sink your Subs and he cannot do that with any Air units if he did not bring along a DD. Thisscenario came up recently. Is a good defensive ploy.
    Lesson: (for the attacker) buy Destroyers if you are serious about Amphibious landings!

    Subs could do the trick too.  As long as the defending subs don’t sink all attacking subs…  Subs are immune to the scramble if there is no DD.

    Without a destroyer, the attacker’s aircraft can immediately hit any defending aircraft while attacking non-DD ships can deal with any defending subs

  • TripleA

    Does uk and anzac dow on japan seperately should they declare on japan?

    Say uk DOWs japan. when anzac’s turn comes does he have to dow japan or is he already at war? In otherwords if a lone destroyer from japan is at java which is owned by anzac sharing a seazone with a transport… If anzac is not yet at war he could pick up an infantry and take celebes, if he is already at war he cannot do this as per hostile sea zone rules.

  • Customizer


    I have a question about UK/ANZAC politics.

    I am under the assumption that because the “politics hasn’t changes from the box rules”, and because the box rules for Pacific with the errata state that ANZAC/UK are “one” for the purpose of politics, that the following are true:

    1. Japan can not declare war on UK and not ANZAC, or ANZAC and not UK.  If Japan wants to declare war, it must be on both of them.

    2. UK, if it declares war on Japan, causes ANZAC to go to war with Japan too, right there and then.  (ie: ANZAC is already at war with Japan before anzac’s turn starts)

    3. If ANZAC declares war on Japan, it causes UK to go to war with Japan too, right there and then.  (ie: UK is already at war with Japan before uk’s turn starts)

    4. If UK declares war on Japan, during ANZAC’s turn ANZAC may not load transports in hostile sea zones, because the war was declared during UK’s turn, not ANZAC’s turn.

    Please let me know if these are true,


    here is the relevant texts:

    Global 3 doc:
    A declaration of war by Japan against either the United Kingdom or ANZAC will immediately result in a state of war between Japan and both of those powers.

    Pacific errata:
    The United Kingdom and ANZAC have a special relationship, and they are treated as one for political purposes. Either power is free to declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns, resulting in a state of war between both powers and Japan.

  • TripleA

    I really don’t like that they war as a unit… that could lead to some dirty tricks. like uk naval on japan transports then anzac dow… then japan cannot load transport!

    But that’s why I always DOW J1.

  • Official Q&A


    Does uk and anzac dow on japan seperately should they declare on japan?



    Say uk DOWs japan. when anzac’s turn comes does he have to dow japan or is he already at war? In otherwords if a lone destroyer from japan is at java which is owned by anzac sharing a seazone with a transport… If anzac is not yet at war he could pick up an infantry and take celebes, if he is already at war he cannot do this as per hostile sea zone rules.

    ANZAC and Japan are already at war, so the sea zone is hostile and the transport can’t load.


    Please let me know if these are true,

    They are.

    You guys playing a game together?  :wink:

  • If the US doesn’t control Central America at the beginning of it’s turn but takes it back during combat, can US naval units in SZ64 move through Panal Canal during non-combat to SZ91? Need a quick answer on this! Thanks!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    If the US doesn’t control Central America at the beginning of it’s turn but takes it back during combat, can US naval units in SZ64 move through Panal Canal during non-combat to SZ91? Need a quick answer on this! Thanks!

    No.  You have to control all canals at the start of your turn!  Suez Canal, Straits of Gibraltar, Danish Straits (might be wrong name there) and Panama Canal are all the same.

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