Thanks for your reply’s, its nice getting advice from experts on this. I get that some of the scenarios (esp. the 55% odds scenario) may be Pyrrhic. To be honest most scenarios I’ve seen Germany is between a 66-85% chance for success. My main concerns are:
Is England not supposed to try to negate the advantage? Is it just supposed to try to make it too costly for Germany? I say this mostly because that means the UK is forced to abandon the med, and send Indian fighters to London. That seems like suicide too. All Germany as to do G1 is not buy anything(or maybe buy one bomber) and you would have to abandon everything at no expense to Germany, and with a free gift to Italy.
Russia: In the scenario I gave, Italy is getting max income. I’m used to seeing Germany land 1 fig in Tobruk and 1 SB in S. Italy from Eastern Europe…these are very dicey battles that may have to be fought. along with the It. Destroyer in the Med off of Malta. (a dicey Ethiopia may have to be fought too). If England doesnt do good here, Italy will be a pretty impressive buffer against USSR while Germany reorients herself. So far I see these battles as very dicey and very critical.
Even Worse if Germany has a lot of troops left, Russia cant do much because it’s a pain to overextend with Russia anyway, even with a weak Germany and Italy, those transports Germany has, makes it near impossible. Maybe the US turning into a bomber factory helps (can the US land bombers? if its that critical, I bet the Axis could own Gib/Morocco by t3).
- Japan:
Ever since AAR, I have never been the best Japanese player but anyway, I don’t know if there is a “magic bullet strategy” Japan can do to really put the nail in the coffin. My guess is, if you are going for Sealion, you have a weak Japan because you have to wait to declare war. But here are my crazy mostly untested thoughts on this:
a) Take the shortest path to Russia, str bomb a strongly fortified UK Pac to keep the production down. This is what we have been doing every time we do sealion. Usually its done by hitting China and Ignoring Russia until China is wiped out by t3 or t4. But A direct t1 hit on Russia may be the better option (though that means I’m dealing with 24 inf and 2 AA for far east Russian territories). Set up to hit all the Islands by J3. Either way, this path seems the safest way to coordinate with Germany.
b) Slightly more crazy: Ignore the islands turn 3 and try to wipe out UK Pac by t3. This would completley eliminate the UK on t3. If its doable, that may be worth it. This opens up a path to Russia and Axis NO’s.
c) insane: Throw everything at the US t3. Is this possible? has this been tried? I don’t think this could work, I’m ust throwing it out there. If Japan starts out with enough initial material odds that can reach the US on J3/J4, this may be doable. Either way, this means its Russia alone vs Germany/Italy. It takes time for Russia to drive to germany. If Japan hits the US, Germany is guaranteed to have transports no matter what, and time is on Germanys side. and as time wears on no matter how much the UK hurt Italy t1 (germany may even be able to get the Eg NO by turn 4 or 5), it will recover and be useful. I guess if this idea is viable, the UK Pac and Anzac see this, they may be positioned enough to seriously check Italy, or maybe even Japan. not sure.
But the real crux of a US “invasion” is this. Is there a way for Japan to seriously anatagonize the US with little cost? Sort of like a Germany buying nothing on G1. If Japan can do that, while Germany is contemplating sealion, that makes sealion even more possible because the US has to focus on a Japanese bluff. In this case, Japan can declare war anytime it wants on anybody, as long as it’s guarantying the US has to focus on her. And even more to the point, if sealion is possible with these initial moves, if nothing else it forces the Brits out of the Mediterranean and even Egypt to protect their borders with little cost to the Axis.