• Thank God! A goal.

  • I DVR’d the Ghana/Germany match and watched it this morning and I’m feeling a lot better about the USA’s chances. Ghana is a not a bad team at all. Germany is quite obviously precise and efficient and I certainly see why they are favorites to win but I’m much more confident in the USA’s chances after seeing that game.

    Seems everyone is dismissing it as Germany playing badly but I think they were looking past Ghana and taking them lightly and were made to pay the price.

    Here’s to Ronaldo crying his eyes out!!!

  • @Flashman:

    Will stay up for the late game, however; like to see Ronaldo in tears when Portugal are KOed.


    I want the US to win and want to see Ronaldo and co cry, just like you.


    Here’s to Ronaldo crying his eyes out!!!

    I think we’re all on the same page, Portugal must go down! And let’s see what Korea/Algeria shows us, but I’m feeling confident that whichever teams get past the group will have a relatively easy game against the group H teams. Hopefully that’s USA and Germany. Belgium’s got the talent but they’re just not playing together and the rest of the group’s decidely ‘meh’

  • 28 years since they last scored at the World Cup .
    3-0 up. Bloody hell! I thought this would be a boring game .
    Good on you Algeria.

  • @wittmann:

    28 years since they last scored at the World Cup .
    3-0 up. Bloody hell! I thought this would be a boring game .
    Good on you Algeria.

    They scored against Belgium, but yea . .  . wowza!  :-o

    I too did not expect this game to be like this, and I actually thought S. Korea might’ve had a shot in this one. Course this Algeria is not the same Algeria that was seen against Belgium. In that one they played tight and defensive, but now they’re attacking and playing with confidence. Suddenly I’m not as dismissive of group H teams.  :lol:

  • Son just tunneld Rais 1:3 S.Kor vs Alg.

  • @aequitas:

    Actually there is a 24th man on the field! Mr climate.
    Welcoming all our South American teams and fighting against all European Teams.

    I just can repeat my self. Germany Vs Ghana game showed that the German players were allready out of breath before the end of 1st half and the Ghana Anthelopes just ran away.

    _sidenote:_I think it is even in Germanys intrest, that the US is winning over Portugal today.
    That automaticly qualifies Germany and of course the US. :-P

  • Germany is not automatically qualified with a US win. They would still need a draw at least with the US or a loss or draw for Ghana against Portugal.

    US wins they get six points and are qualified and eliminate Portugal. Portugal would not be able to match the German 4 points.

    Ghana with a win over Portugal and a Germany loss to the US would tie Germany at 1-1-1 with four points and fall back to the tiebreakers which is goal differential isn’t it? They then have to drub Portugal pretty badly or hope the US drubs Germany pretty badly or whatever adds up to the +4 Germany is sitting on right now. So Germany is still on the bubble.

  • Yeah frimmel, this is what I said.

    They then have to drub Portugal pretty badly or hope the US drubs Germany pretty badly or whatever adds up to the +4 Germany is sitting on right now. So Germany is still on the bubble.

    They don’t drop Portugal very badly, not Portugal!

    But as it is at the very moment, everything is possible!
    Portugal 1 - 0 US…oh oh

    Come on US Boys, you can do it!!..GO Dempsey!!

  • We HAD it  . . .  WE FREAKING HAD IT!  :x

    Up 2-1 and Portugal scores on a header to tie it all up with less than 30 seconds left in the game.  :-o

    Great game by US although they seemed to flip a switch once they drew even with Portugal. Beautiful passing and some good runs and cuts seemed to vanish once the game was tied up. Howard had some great saves to keep the game close or US up after that freak Portugal goal five minutes into the game. I still am pissed with that clearance attempt and Portugal was gifted their first goal when the ball dropped right into their laps unopposed and without a defender between the ball and Howard.  :x

    Ugh . . .

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    We HAD it  . . .  WE FREAKING HAD IT!  :x

    Up 2-1 and Portugal scores on a header to tie it all up with less than 30 seconds left in the game.  :-o

    Great game by US although they seemed to flip a switch once they drew even with Portugal. Beautiful passing and some good runs and cuts seemed to vanish once the game was tied up. Howard had some great saves to keep the game close or US up after that freak Portugal goal five minutes into the game. I still am pissed with that clearance attempt and Portugal was gifted their first goal when the ball dropped right into their laps unopposed and without a defender between the ball and Howard.  :x

    Ugh . . .

    Man, US had it and let up at the end. That is too bad, now we have to play well against Germany or go home. It was a good game, but disappointing that they didn’t win. :-(

  • I can’t stop thinking about the failed clear or about that wide open shot Bradley had. That’s a goal if the ball is just a couple inches higher and/or to the right. GK was out of position and it was just one defender in the way.  :oops:

    US advances with a win or draw against Germany. USA can still advance with a loss to Germany, but it depends on the result of the Portugal/Ghana game. A draw in the Portugal/Ghana game and US is in. US has a +5 GD against Portugal and only a +1 GD vs Ghana. So US fans should be rooting for a Ghanaian draw or loss (so long as Portugal doesn’t overcome the GD differential)

    Of course we could just win/draw vs Germany!  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I can’t stop thinking about the failed clear or about that wide open shot Bradley had. That’s a goal if the ball is just a couple inches higher and/or to the right. GK was out of position and it was just one defender in the way.  :oops:

    US advances with a win or draw against Germany. USA can still advance with a loss to Germany, but it depends on the result of the Portugal/Ghana game. A draw in the Portugal/Ghana game and US is in. US has a +5 GD against Portugal and only a +1 GD vs Ghana. So US fans should be rooting for a Ghanaian draw or loss (so long as Portugal doesn’t overcome the GD differential)

    Of course we could just win/draw vs Germany!  :-D

    I don’t care how they do it, but I prefer them to do it on their own. :-D

  • The US did very good!

  • '19 '18

    This thread now has one more German fan! Thanks A&A player for directing me here.

    I watch a lot of football (yes I know you americans call it soccer, but no one else does, so deal with it!), not only tournaments like the WC. I know a lot of stuff about the teams, I know most of the players from their domestic leagues and so on. But the betting round I’m participating in with my friends is chaotic.

    How am I supposed to make good bets with so many crazy things going on in this WC?

    Costa Rica? WTF are you doing!
    Algeria? Where do you come from?
    Japan! Weren’t you the best Asian team for the last couple of years?
    Spain…. no words

    This list could go on and on, it’s frustrating that all my football knowledge seems to mean nothing this year.

    And I am 100% confident that someone or something cast a voodoo spell or whatsoever on every country from chile to mexico. It’s like them South and Middle American teams somehow have doubled and tripled their quality over night.

    More recent news:

    USA - Portugal, eh?
    Quite a nice game to watch, a lot of action. My bet was 1:1 so one part of me was happy to see the late equalizer. It also means that Germany only needs a draw to remain group winner, instead of needing a win.

    On the other hand you guys were really fighting in that game, you have an awesome coach (go Klinsmann!) and you totally deserved that win. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but I was cheering for USA (thanks to the WC the world doesn’t hate you for 1 month!  :evil: :mrgreen:)

    What do you guys think about tonight’s games?

    Australia - Spain
    Curious to see if Spain really wants to reestablish some dignity or if the socceroos will land the knockout blow to a heavily damaged Furia Roja. My bet: 2:0

    Netherlands - Chile
    Really looking forward to this. Both are through already, but the group winner will less likely face Brazil next round. Netherlands should be the better team, but I know better than to bet against South america. I say: 1:1

    Cameroon - Brazil
    Easy thing. Cameroon totally disappointed so far and while Brazil wasn’t performing to their ability neither, this is one more win for South America. 0:3

    Mexico - Croatia
    A real final for both of them. This game will be intense, both have quality teams. Gonna risk betting for Croatia: 1:2

  • Here’s me at the end of the match: “No. Just hold it. Not there. No. No. NO. NO. NOOOOO. Expletive. Expletiving expletive. Expletiving Ronaldo. You’ve gotta be expletiving kidding me. Expletive.”

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    This thread now has one more German fan! Thanks A&A player for directing me here.

    I watch a lot of football (yes I know you americans call it soccer, but no one else does, so deal with it!), not only tournaments like the WC. I know a lot of stuff about the teams, I know most of the players from their domestic leagues and so on. But the betting round I’m participating in with my friends is chaotic.

    How am I supposed to make good bets with so many crazy things going on in this WC?

    Costa Rica? WTF are you doing!
    Algeria? Where do you come from?
    Japan! Weren’t you the best Asian team for the last couple of years?
    Spain…. no words

    This list could go on and on, it’s frustrating that all my football knowledge seems to mean nothing this year.

    And I am 100% confident that someone or something cast a voodoo spell or whatsoever on every country from chile to mexico. It’s like them South and Middle American teams somehow have doubled and tripled their quality over night.

    More recent news:

    USA - Portugal, eh?
    Quite a nice game to watch, a lot of action. My bet was 1:1 so one part of me was happy to see the late equalizer. It also means that Germany only needs a draw to remain group winner, instead of needing a win.

    On the other hand you guys were really fighting in that game, you have an awesome coach (go Klinsmann!) and you totally deserved that win. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but I was cheering for USA (thanks to the WC the world doesn’t hate you for 1 month!  :evil: :mrgreen:)

    What do you guys think about tonight’s games?

    Australia - Spain
    Curious to see if Spain really wants to reestablish some dignity or if the socceroos will land the knockout blow to a heavily damaged Furia Roja. My bet: 2:0

    Netherlands - Chile
    Really looking forward to this. Both are through already, but the group winner will less likely face Brazil next round. Netherlands should be the better team, but I know better than to bet against South america. I say: 1:1

    Cameroon - Brazil
    Easy thing. Cameroon totally disappointed so far and while Brazil wasn’t performing to their ability neither, this is one more win for South America. 0:3

    Mexico - Croatia
    A real final for both of them. This game will be intense, both have quality teams. Gonna risk betting for Croatia: 1:2

    I’m glad you found the thread. The more, the merrier!

    We Americans do understand that this is football to the world, but you have to understand we have that word for another sport.

    When I’m talking to an American, I use the word soccer, so that there is no confusion, what I’m talking about it, but here I used the word football, because it is understood that this is the world cup thread.

    When I talk to someone about my past, I will use both terms to make sure they understand that I know the difference, especially if there from another country.

    If you look at the history of both words, there is a rich, long history on both terms, as I’m sure, your aware.

    As long as everyone respects each other, we can all be fans of football or whatever someone wants to call it.

    I’m of German and Austrian descent, as well as other blood, in me, but I have to pull for my country. If our country is eliminated then I just enjoy the world cup, in general.

    Any knowledge you have is always a welcomed inclusion in this thread.

    From what I’ve seen or heard, I think all your picks are sound choices, but you never know what will happen in this crazy sport. :-D

  • @MrRoboto:

    How am I supposed to make good bets with so many crazy things going on in this WC?

    Save money, don’t bet!


    I watch a lot of football (yes I know you americans call it soccer, but no one else does, so deal with it!), not only tournaments like the WC. I know a lot of stuff about the teams, I know most of the players from their domestic leagues and so on. But the betting round I’m participating in with my friends is chaotic.

    Then you would have realized that :

    -Spain is exhausted and CAN’T be a top favourite at the moment.
    -England is dealing with Generation issues like Spain had before, before becomming WC the first time.
    Germany dealt in the past with it and is about to have a good team. Portugal and Italy are about to face Generation issue next.
    -And the most diplomatic answer of course is, that all the South American and African teamplayers learned and were trainend in Europe!
    -The US have a solid and good team with an excellent Klinsi as their trainer who is less concerned about US criticisim and does what needs to be done.
    We could see the US advancing, maybe to the downfall of Germany.
    Klinsi would be the backstabber here in G. but I think he doesn’t care about it either…

    • the climate is tense to all European players. Some say: but a lot of them allready used to the European weather.
      Maybe…,well… Seriously it is not effecting them to much as it does  to the European players.
      Das Laufpensum-  the work quota of Running is higher of all the South American and African and US players then to the Euorpean once, (hence to the climate). I mean just look how Ghana played. Not much tactical but they are looking for an opening, a weak spot and pass deep into it and one Ghana player will outrun/pick up the pass and kick a goal! Awesome!!


    What do you guys think about tonight’s games?

    Australia - Spain
    Curious to see if Spain really wants to reestablish some dignity or if the socceroos will land the knockout blow to a heavily damaged Furia Roja. My bet: 2:0

    Netherlands - Chile
    Really looking forward to this. Both are through already, but the group winner will less likely face Brazil next round. Netherlands should be the better team, but I know better than to bet against South america. I say: 1:1

    Cameroon - Brazil
    Easy thing. Cameroon totally disappointed so far and while Brazil wasn’t performing to their ability neither, this is one more win for South America. 0:3

    Mexico - Croatia
    A real final for both of them. This game will be intense, both have quality teams. Gonna risk betting for Croatia: 1:2

    I think Aussi could win and sending Spain demolished home with no win at all.

    Netherland - Chile will be not much to see since the saving up the Energy and Yellowcarders.

    Mexico - Croatia will be the Game of today, all or nothing. Whoever gets them in next round will be happy  :-D.

    Cameroon has nothing to loose and Brazil could even play it tactical and sit this one out by sending in B-Team to play.

    I think MrRoboto, that you might have done the right calls but nobody really knows what allways is really going on.

    It’s Soccer,

    the round thing must go into the square thing.
    Das Runde muss in das Eckige. Franz Beckenbauer

  • '19 '18

    Netherlands win was quite boring. Chile did much more for the game, but it was not their day. That Alexis Sanchez though… I’ve not seen these great games from him in the barca dress.

    Halftime now for Croatia - Mexico. Still rooting for Croatia, I just like their players.

    Neymar is by far the best man in the other game so far. Good thing my answer to “Which country will have the topscorer of the WC?” was “Brazil”. A bit disappointed by Oscar, after he displayed a great performance against Croatia.

    BTW, I only betted with my friends, the stake was just 5 EUR. But still, I’m such a competetive person, it hurts to perform so badly with my predictions this year. Usually I am spot on.

  • Bugger!

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