Here’s an interesting item just released from the British archives: a speech (drafted in 1983) which Queen Elizabeth II would have broadcast if WWIII had broken out:
Thank you Marc.
That is interesting. I also cannot believe 1983 was 30 years ago.
I always think the 80s must only be 20 years ago!
I was at school then.
I left the year before…
Does anyone actually believe praying does any good?
Does God change his plan when he hears it?
In the middle ages, nobles left vast sums of money to the church so that prayers could be said for their souls “forever”; does that mean that the rich have more chance of entering heaven than the poor?
In the middle ages, nobles left vast sums of money to the church so that prayers could be said for their souls “forever”; does that mean that the rich have more chance of entering heaven than the poor?
Well you have to believe in hell first, and hell is not in the bible.
Look it up.
I mean dont get me wrong… there is a lake of fire, and satan/lucifer is quite a personality, and Jesus talks of paradise… but… hell… not so much. In fact not ever.
And I’m not putting that out there to question your faith.
I’m putting that out their to reinforce it against the will of man, who would have you pay money in the belief that you will be “prayed” for whilst in purgatory. Which is also not addressed in the bible. Ever.
True, there is no hell in Judaism (its from pagan Norse mythology), though the Aryan Jesus talks of throwing liars into a lake of fire to burn for ever and ever. Nice chap, even if he didn’t care for gentiles. Not that he was a real person, natch.
I have no faith, I’m not a moron.
I’m just interested to know why people who do think they can influence God’s plan for them by praying.