• What has stopped the Russians from going into Chechnya? Though Taiwan…. don’t really think I can or the Chinese can see them as a threat to national secruity. :-?

  • the Chinses may bot see them as a threat. but its a slap in the face that it exists. the fact that Tawian exists pisses of China as much as Nazi Germany would think of Israel ;)

  • Which gives no right for Nazi Germany to invade Israel. :wink:

  • Totally agree, DasEwokSS–starting this war in this fashion was a big mistake. Both the anti-war & pro-war factions in the UN should’ve realized what was happening & worked harder to develop some compromise (like a new Resolution with a “hard” deadline for a change). That way we could’ve presented a united front against rogue regimes. Now that the UN has been discredited in this fashion, there is a danger of such situations as you mentioned occurring…


  • o i am for the way in which we handled this, i think China has every right to attack taiwan, as does Russia with Chechniya (spelling) survival of the fittest. but i think by doing it this way its gonna eventully lead to a War with the Super Powers. which could either make the future bright or dark from a certain point of veiw ;)

  • Hmmm…not sure “survival of the fittest” is really a viable political idea. Hasn’t that been tried before? :wink:


  • Yeah, those “hard” deadlines for one. cough cough

  • Taiwan like has nuclear weapons.

  • and like if, it falls really quickly it wont use them :P

  • @TG:

    Yeah, those “hard” deadlines for one. cough cough

    OK, I was saying a “US-style” “hard” deadline, rather than the “UN-style” “you’ve got 15 days…ok 60 days…ok 1 year…ok 12 years” “hard” deadline. Ya got me :roll: …

    Re: “survival of the fittest” I meant DasEwokSS’s suggestion that its ok for powerful nations to swallow weaker ones because that’s somehow the natural order of things. May work for Ewoks, not for humans. I assume he was being tongue-in-cheek…


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