You and the kids can soon sit on Satans lap and take pictures.

  • :lol:

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Hell is about to freeze over because I think this is the first time I gave an up arrow to IL to counter the down arrows on his comments.  Jesus what is the world coming to when I support IL.  Well I guess that shows that even a broken clock is right twice per day.

    If it needs an down arrow on IL comments for you to support IL,then I will be on this crusade so you can support IL more often  :-D.
    Who knows ,maybe you get back friends again huh??!
    I would love to see that, God is good!

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    If Oklahoma allows a public display of the 10 commandments (publicly funded no less), then they really have to allow other religious persuasions to put up their stuff too.  If you don’t want Satanists, Muslims, Jews, etc to have their say, then the Christians should keep their God to themselves too.

  • That is one of the most awesome things I’ve ever heard. This could eventually be a reason to go to Oklahoma.

    I doubt it goes though. The OK ACLU will win their lawsuit and they’ll remove The Ten Commandments and no monuments of this sort will be allowed. Judicial precedent on this sort of thing is pretty robust.

  • Customizer

    Yahweh isn’t the one and only God.

    Check the original text. He did not say “There is no other God but me”, he said “You shall worship no other God but me, for I am a jealous God.” VERY different.

    Moreover, the 10 Commandments were made as part of a pact between Yahweh and the Jews exclusively; non-Jews have no business worshiping this deity.

    What was the first thing they did in service to this God? They stoned a man to death for collecting firewood on the Sabbath.

    Somewhat later, they were instructed to invade the land of Canaan and put the entire population to the sword - men, women and children*. Were not the Cananites also the creation of this God?

    So God creates humanity, then at some point chooses one tribe as a chosen people and tells them to exterminate some other tribe and steal their land.

    Jesus was not God, he was not even the son of God - that was a title born by all Kings of the Jews as a spiritual title. What he claimed to be was rightful King of the Jews, a claim derived through his father Joseph as set out in the very first part of the New Testament. He was not interested in the affairs of non-Jews - they had their own Gods.

    He did not die on the cross. It took people days to die from Crucifiction; Jesus was only on the cross for a few hours, then he took hysop to induce coma, something proved by the fact that when pierced he bled profusely (hence heart still beating). That is why he was crucified on the eve of the Sabbath - so that he would be taken down before death. It was all arranged in order to fulfill a prophesy.

    He was not born in a stable in Bethlehem as part of a census; there was no such census. Nor did Nazareth exist in the first century.

    He was not a carpenter (another mis-translation) but was from a high-born family that would never have turned to trade.

    • Apart from virgin women who God permitted them to keep alive as sex slaves.

    All this assumes Jesus is a historical personage, by no means a certainty.

  • What is your reason for sharing your beliefs and/or findings?

  • @variance:

    If Oklahoma allows a public display of the 10 commandments (publicly funded no less), then they really have to allow other religious persuasions to put up their stuff too.  If you don’t want Satanists, Muslims, Jews, etc to have their say, then the Christians should keep their God to themselves too.

    Not true.  They are the most persecuted majority in this country!  They get to make the rules, because they are God’s rules, and don’t you forget it.

    Which is nonsense when Azathoth comes to devour us all anyway.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Which is nonsense when Azathoth comes to devour us all anyway.

    The FSM will save us with the power of his noodly appendages.

  • I’m not going near this subject!

  • yes we need the Flying Spaghetti Monster made into a statue. Make it as large as the Kraken.

  • Sponsor

    I always raise an eyebrow at people who present their religious beliefs as fact like it was some kind of scientific discovery. The only fact that exists about God is that nobody truly knows, and anyone who claims their beliefs of God to be fact is nothing but pretentious righteousness. No one can see electricity, but we know it exists due to scientific research and experiments using a system built to identify natural phenomenon as fact. Thats why we don’t shut our doors on battery thumping electricians spreading the good word of responsible wire maintenance.

  • You can see electricity……

  • Sponsor


    You can see electricity……

    I suppose… my point is that wether something can be seen or not, it has to be proven before it becomes fact.

  • Customizer

    Except we’re expected to patronise religious folk because they have faith in things that aren’t real.

    That makes them good people; they must be really devoted to believe in something that doesn’t exist.

  • Sponsor


    Except we’re expected to patronise religious folk because they have faith in things that aren’t real.

    That makes them good people; they must be really devoted to believe in something that doesn’t exist.

    I’ve got no problem with people who have faith, I believe in a creator myself… but I don’t go around telling people that my beliefs are right and theirs are wrong (which has become an epidemic among religious types these days).

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Except we’re expected to patronise religious folk because they have faith in things that aren’t real.

    That makes them good people; they must be really devoted to believe in something that doesn’t exist.

    You patronise Santa Claus every christmas even though you KNOW he’s not real.

    That said… if anyone takes a moment to read the “science” on praying.  They will note that it does tend to increase positive outcomes!

  • @rjpeters70:



    Except we’re expected to patronise religious folk because they have faith in things that aren’t real.

    That makes them good people; they must be really devoted to believe in something that doesn’t exist.

    I’ve got no problem with people who have faith, I believe in a creator myself… but I don’t go around telling people that my beliefs are right and theirs are wrong (which has become an epidemic among religious types these days).

    Atheists, too…

    The thing with that is for most believers simply telling them you’re atheist is saying their beliefs are wrong. No other comments are required. An argument is inferred when only a simple statement of non-belief was intended.

    I recently came out of the closet as an atheist when I realized that I was claiming agnosticism primarily to ease and shorten the road to agreeing to disagree. It wasn’t what I believed but what I thought would avoid an argument that I wasn’t interested in having. That belief turned out to have been well founded.

  • @rjpeters70:



    Except we’re expected to patronise religious folk because they have faith in things that aren’t real.

    That makes them good people; they must be really devoted to believe in something that doesn’t exist.

    I’ve got no problem with people who have faith, I believe in a creator myself… but I don’t go around telling people that my beliefs are right and theirs are wrong (which has become an epidemic among religious types these days).

    Atheists, too…

    Atheists don’t come to your door asking you to not believe.
    You don’t find flyers on your car, house door, or mailbox advertising Atheist organizations or being a nuisance.
    There aren’t centralized Atheist organizations hiding behind a tax shelter promoting its constituents interests (on top of what they do individually) to the detriment of others.
    Atheists don’t put up billboards along the highway/interstate saying you are going to hell.
    An Atheist that is arguing for their space and ability to opt out of religion is not jamming their beliefs down your throat, but exercising their 1st amendment rights that religious groups can’t seem to understand the concept of.

    Now, I don’t mean that this is universal, but as a whole this applies.

  • Wow!  There is a serious amount of God-hating going on here, and the cynicism is unbelievably thick…

    You all ought to feel better since you found a nice little atheist support group nest and can vent all your frustrations against Christians who have pestered you so much.

    Maybe you will be the ones sitting on Satan’s lap and your kids will be taking the pictures.  Seems you all need the comfort of sitting on a lap

  • @Gamerman01:

    Wow!  There is a serious amount of God-hating going on here, and the cynicism is unbelievably thick…

    You all ought to feel better since you found a nice little atheist support group nest and can vent all your frustrations against Christians who have pestered you so much.

    Maybe you will be the ones sitting on Satan’s lap and your kids will be taking the pictures.  Seems you all need the comfort of sitting on a lap

    I’d much prefer the comfort of receiving a lap dance.  :-o

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