Always room for more! Welcome.
New Ceres Pictures…
Note the interesting two white spots of which nobody knows what they are.
OH sorry guys, I left the lights on again.
You know, I saw an article on this and just passed up reading it because I figured it was going to be something stupid. That said, it is probably lens glare or something.
If not. Definitely Aliens.
As if us primative humans know everything there is to know about light… YA RIGHT.
Yesterday Iron Sky was on TV, I remembered this post and…
Cold shoudder… :-o -
That said, it is probably lens glare or something.
I was going to say swamp gas, but lens glare sounds more probable. Or lens flare, if this is another outer-space picture shot by J.J. Abrams.
Maybe they are filming a Michael Bay Movie out there?
Autobots roll out!
The Humans discovered our hidding space.
I was going to say swamp gas, but lens glare sounds more probable.
Lens glare is not possible with the technology on that craft. The fact that they are two bright spots close together is interesting.
I was going to say swamp gas, but lens glare sounds more probable. Or lens flare, if this is another outer-space picture shot by J.J. Abrams.
HA! Most probable!