Can the Republican Party reclaim California in 2004 or 2008?

  • With most non-white Americans voting Democrat and with white people a minority in California can the Republican Party reclaim the state in 2004 or 2008?? What political strategies could the Republican party do to attract more non-white voters?? I believe Grey " Am i really the governor" Davis will be voted back in office next state election. Who here really believes there will be a Californian Republican Governor any time soon??

  • I want Arnold Schamongerageno to be win in California. Why? There are so many great political phrases that “I’ll be back” could mean.

  • Based on the economic atmosphere here right now, I did almost any Republican has a very strong shot. :)

  • Whelp, I’m very white and, strangely, a Democrat :lol: ! I’m not even in a union… :o !

    What could the Republicans do to attract more non-white voters?

    Hmmm…I suppose they could stop promoting oppression against Mexican immigrants. Maybe they could stop tolerating the ultra-right-wing racist elements within their own party…might be a good one…

    Oooh, & here’s a great one: they could stop trying to curtail the rights of gays to peacefully pursue their happiness nationwide! That last one might net a few more “white” votes for the Republican party…and “white” votes are apparently what count (at least judging from the Florida presidential elections)… :wink:

    Hope I don’t offend you. It’s all in good fun. Some of my best friends are Republicans, really!


  • Hmmm…I suppose they could stop promoting oppression against Mexican immigrants. Maybe they could stop tolerating the ultra-right-wing racist elements within their own party…might be a good one…

    I vote republican a lot, and I’m not sure what you mean by this? I’m not against promoting oppression against Mexican immigrants. However, a lot of the problem comes from illegal immigration. Seems funny how, when I read the newspaper, Gray Davis vetoing a bill that would give drivers license to illegals (about the only thing I can agree with him) was suddenly considered “racist.” Go figure…

  • Not talking about that, I’m talking about the attitude that there are hordes of illegal immigrants flooding California tapping into welfare & food stamps & draining the government. I have yet to meet a Mexican immigrant who was not industrious (legal or not) & yet I have seen hordes of white folks leeching off the system like there is no tomorrow! Not saying its a rule–I’m sure there are plenty of “lazy” immigrants–but judging from my own observation–& the behavior of my own friends–they ought to make it EASIER for Mexicans to become Americans, not harder. There’d be a lot fewer illegals, & a lot more valuable citizens…

    Obviously illegals ought not have a DL. That’s ridiculous…


  • What could the Republicans do to attract more non-white voters?

    Besides giving blanket amnesty to illegal Mexicans? There’s my #1 gripe with Bush…

  • Win governorship? Possibly
    Reclaim California? Maybe by 2020, but not before. A new generation must mature which sees the err of Dems.

    O__7, I visit California(SanD & San Fran areas) at least once a year.
    I know Drs. in SanD who feel the system is deteriorating because of the med care given for free to illegals.
    In San Fran, most oF the folks I know have a nasty, big city( :roll: :lol: ) attitude. Even though it’s not a big city(trust me, I live in Cincinnati, and there are enough folks here who think the same way[but, not nasty.] The people in SF know the gay/etc. rights push is killing the city. The sex change/and return payments for city workers is just one example. A crappy home in Cincy, that would go for $50,000, would cost $750,000 in San Fran. I’ve seen it! :o

  • –they ought to make it EASIER for Mexicans to become Americans, not harder.

    As it should be with any race… Though you always have to keep secruity at a premium

    Win governorship? Possibly
    Reclaim California? Maybe by 2020, but not before. A new generation must mature which sees the err of Dems.

    I don’t take it takes more than 8 yeas to realize the error in some people’s ways… :-?

    In San Fran, most oF the folks I know have a nasty, big city( ) attitude.

    The people in SF know the gay/etc. rights push is killing the city.

    I’m seriously started to question your statement when you said you been there… what part do you travel to? :-?

  • A & A General Forum is turning me into wierdo! :o

    OK my last 2 posts were way out for me, & I really don’t want to go political, so I will stop posting here after this one (…“think NICE thoughts, Ozone27” :wink: ) …

    Xi, fair enough if that’s what you’ve heard from folks–can’t argue w/ opinions, & that may indeed be what you’ve heard (SF is home to A LOT of diverse opinions, not all of them Liberal: that’s just the stereotype).

    But I don’t feel the least bit sorry for doctors who “have” to administer health care to illegals who can’t pay. Ever heard of the &%#$@*&$ Hippocratic Oath? Sorry it’s such a pain in the a$$ to follow it…

    Cali has a lot of illegal aliens because people put up w/ it. People put up w/ it because they are useful for performing crap jobs no one else wants to do for low pay & no benefits. People only pay lip service to wanting them out. Until we make it easier for law-abiding, productive people to be here & work here legally (and for “human-being-level” wages & benefits), then the state ought to have to pay some of their expenses (including medical care, since that’s just basic humanity & people who are “off the books”, and have lousy incomes usually can’t afford it).

    As soon as the taxes go up, people will be like:“What’s going on here?” and wonder why after all these years of BS from the politicians, the illegals are STILL HERE! Then they will either kick all of them out & we’ll have to pick our own crops & blow our own leaves & do all the lousy s**t jobs ourselves–for minimum wage of course, which is like $6.75 here I think now–or they will finally wise up & start accepting that whoa, maybe most of these illegals ought to be “legals” after all…

    That is all. Return to your posts.

    I promise I’ll be a good boy from now on… 8)


  • So you guys are saying not now but maybe in the future?

    And Ozone27 you said by supporting gays right might help, that I would disagree. The Republicans go gay and the party can kiss the Southern vote Good-bye. I’m not saying that Gay people shouldn’t have rights I’m just saying that the reality is alot of christian voters wouldn’t vote Republican, and that could cripple the Republican party!!! Please excuse my spelling.

  • The biggest problem is that illegals don’t count themselves into the census (you’re right… most illegals end up taking the low paying jobs - so by becoming citizens, they would mainly be exempt from paying taxes). That’s my problem, since the census determines how much money is allocated to the State.

  • Exactly, TG. So why not help them become citizens, instead of turning them away?


  • But who will they be loyal to Ozone27?? U.S. or Mexico?? I have no problem them becomming citizens but can they please do it legally!!

  • Exactly, TG. So why not help them become citizens, instead of turning them away?

    Where did I say that? I agree with, waraxis. If they are going to come over they should at least take the time to become proper citizens.

  • Can Mexico reclaim California from the USA in 2004 or 2008?

  • :D I know I promised but you people are infuriating me!:D

    I know a gal from Oaxaca Mexico who is a DOCTOR & had a practice there. She finally gave up because she could no longer make a living (no one could pay her & she was at the end of her rope working 12-hour shifts for no money).

    So she married a (legal) Mexican-American & got her green card & works here in a LAB 'cuz she can’t even get a nursing license without going all the way back through American medical school. They eventually got divorced, and recently she went down to the INS to apply for citizenship.

    She scored 100% (which most of you probably couldn’t even do, I know I couldn’t–that thing is hard) on her citizenship test, has 2 American children, has been living & working here for years & they refused her application because she HASN’T BEEN DIVORCED LONG ENOUGH! See, they want to protect “good” “honest” Americans who marry foreigners from being exploited by people who–GASP!–just want to be Americans.

    So now she’s thinking of moving back to Oaxaca because to her its better to be poor & help people (rather than test urine samples for $12 bucks an hour) than be in a place where no one wants her around…

    Now that’s just one example, but you know there are a lot of other people out there just like her, and here we are, lucky enough through having done nothing but get the luck of birth & happen to be US citizens by default…

    Why does it hafta be so damm hard for these people to get green cards and eventually apply for citizenship? Most of them are just law-abiding hardworking people & you know it! They are just the objects of this ridiculous suspicion like their crooks for no good reason!


  • Now I’m relly not gonna post on this topic anymore 'cuz all it’s doing is upsetting me and not one thing I say here is gonna change anyone’s mind… :wink:

    That is all. Return to your posts.


  • Learn a little English …
    Take and pass the citizenship test …
    Pay your taxes …

    any objections?

  • Not from me!! All I ask is that they and anybody else do it legally. Just please follow the the law. The English part I think though is a little harsh we have no right to tell a people how to speak. If they want to keep speaking Spanish thats their right. They get in legally, pay taxes, respect the law, and when the time comes fight in our wars, they can speak what ever they want.

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