Wizard of the coast is sending out additional playing pieces

  • Got mine today. Requested it around Jan 1st. Came in two set up boxes. Mostly the same list as has been posted. Missing one US tank but that is fine.
    Seems to me they are butchering games to fill these requests. Doesn’t bode well for a reprint as they will have surplus of everything except units and chips.
    Really glad they stepped up to correct an obvious problem.

  • Got mine last week, took 7 days.

  • Customizer


    Got mine last week, took 7 days.

    I’ve noticed some are getting their units either very quick or very slow. It took weeks to get mine and I don’t live far from Renton, WA.

    In any case I encourage everyone who bought this game to get your pieces. It’s nothing more than sending an email and having a bit of patience.

    You bought the game you may as well get your monies’ worth LOL!

  • Too bad they won´t send it in central europe… :|

  • Customizer

    Apart from units and chips its just paper and a few dice.

    But you have to laugh (a bit) at people who shelled out for a few extra official units at HBG. I’ll wait 'till they produce some bombers and airships.

  • Wizards sent me a new KIA which i promptly sent to recycling. Yield was about $50 bucks net. Thanks Wizards!

    Just shows if you complain enough you can get anything.

  • Customizer


    Wizards sent me a new KIA which i promptly sent to recycling. Yield was about $50 bucks net. Thanks Wizards!

    Just shows if you complain enough you can get anything.

    I don’t understand what you’re getting at IL. The game was short pieces and if WOTC is doing something to rectify this. I think people should request more pieces.

    A lot of game reviewers whom have no specific focus on Axis & Allies, have commented on the lack of units and chips in 1914 as well as several other complaints regularly shared on this site. This game is expensive and other gamers have noticed it, not just A&A fans. At the cost of this game it should be complete, the people at WOTC I talked to even said so themselves. I don’t think this is some “Give me something for free” issue. WOTC knows it and is trying to fix it.
    So, I’m not sure how to take your posts my friend.

  • Customizer


    Apart from units and chips its just paper and a few dice.

    But you have to laugh (a bit) at people who shelled out for a few extra official units at HBG. I’ll wait 'till they produce some bombers and airships.

    LOL Flash I did buy some pieces but not for 1914. I intend to make some early war tacs from them namely a Swordfish and a 1930’s version of the Vindicator bomber. Since they’ll be painted I bought US pieces because they were $1.45 US per set.

    As far as what HBG produces in the future I am as you are waiting for those with anticipation. Frankly I’m more interested in IL’s WWI game than A&A 1914.

  • Customizer

    I’ve preordered so I can have the satisfaction of sending it to recycle.

    Might salvage the bombers, though.

  • Customizer

    Just got mine. Same units, different mix of chips; mine weighted towards the red/brown colours 37/14, 30/11 blue.

    Could’ve done with an extra US & UK transport, but mustn’t grumble.

    Need some yellow chips for cavalry now…


    I did get mine today. It took some time as I am in Europe.

    6 Infantry
    5 Artillery
    2 Tanks
    2 Fighters
    2 Battleships
    3 Cruisers
    2 Subs
    3 Transport

    PER nation :-)

    Plus chips, oddly not identocal for cengral powers (blue) and allies (red).
    47 chips blue/CP ( 10 dark- and 37 light blue)
    37 chips red/Allied (15 dark- and 22 light red).

    A very god service and quite usefull the chips, fighets and land units!


  • THat is good. I am awaiting mine.

  • '14

    From what I gather, IL’s game will offer the pieces seperately, in addition to the game itself? I’m interested in both, but the added game pieces are always useful for A&A 1914 variants or other similar themed games.

  • I got mine today. Am not counting them, but I got two boxes and there seem to be more pieces than I need!
    Very happy.

    200 pieces and 90 counters.

  • '13

    Today is my 7 th day of waiting. Hope they arive soon.:)

  • Sent my email on Sunday and received my pieces today. Four days total, but Sunday was a weekend, and Monday was a holiday, so it was really only two business days.

    I basically received an additional half of what was included in the original box:
    For each power:
    6 infantry
    5 artillery
    2 tanks
    2 fighters
    2 battleships
    2 subs
    3 cruisers
    3 transports

    I also received a total of 80 chips:
    7 dark blue
    38 light blue
    3 dark red
    32 light red

  • Received my pieces today. Took them about 3 weeks from the US all the way to Berlin. It is the same unit mix as mentioned some posts above.

  • Sent email yesterday, patterned off the previously posted template, reply today from WotC:

    Thank you for contacting us, blah blah…  “Axis and Allies 1914 does come with the appropriate pieces for game play, as the intent for the game is to be quick and have fierce battles.  We are no longer supporting requests for additional pieces”

    “If you are missing pieces we will gladly assist you in replacing the missing pieces.”

    Followed by a catalogue of pieces for each army (no mention of chips) and a statement that if I have all those, that I’ve got all the pieces needed to play.

    “If you have found that you are missing pieces, we can assist you.  Please reply to this email with all of the following information for potential replacement purposes.”

    Name, address, phone (?), specific pieces

    …so, am I eBaying, or am I now “missing” a bunch of chips and various infantry/artillery/etc?

    It figures they’d cut it off right as I put my request in…  /sigh

  • Customizer

    That’s some bull$#!+ right there. So the ONE thing that people were applauding about this mess of a game release, their customer service, they are now going back on? C’mon WOTC…

    Anyway, make sure to check out http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/Axis-Allies-1914_c_427.html if you want to buy extra pieces without having to go to Ebay.

  • Here’s a video about a famous person who’s having similar problems with WotC:


  • Customizer


    Here’s a video about a famous person who’s having similar problems with WotC:


    Haha, “or a piece of paper with the unit name written on it”

    I lol’d

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