Japan Unveils Largest Warship Since WWII
Yep it’s not a destroyer. That link is FAIL as usual.
Yep it’s classified by naval experts as a destroyer, and again we have an imperious fail.
Your arrogance triggered the war, get over it. It’s a destroyer.
It is referred to as a flat top destroyer. Just because it doesn’t look like one of the Japanese destroyers from A&A doesn’t mean it isn’t.
Yep It’s a carrier and another Gargantua Fail. I’m glad you agree. The carrier triggered the war. You lose again.
And here is my proof based on just goggling “destroyer”
To be honest, the United States has destroyers that carry helicopters but are called destroyers.
However, FFS that flight deck is the WHOLE SHIP, that’s a carrier. It might not be big enough to carry 38 wings of stealth bombers, it may not have the flight deck to fire off 108 wings of antiquated tomcat fighters, but it’s a carrier. If it looks like a duck…
And for the record, strange looking things on the battlefield draw fire like chocolate draws the attention of 5 year olds.
what, you don’t understand the image? It’s in plain Mathlish!
I think it is an attractive ship, but then I have always liked Destroyers.
I can never buy enough of them in my A&A games. Ask Garg he can testify to my peculiar fetish.I am also glad Japan can buy big naval ships again. As Jen said earlier, they might just need them.
Another incomprehensible posting from IL. Jesus man, use antecedents before you use pronouns…
Clearly sarcasm goes over simpletons head…
Also, I like how I’m the simpleton because you failed to use antecedents. Nice.
Epic WIN.
I count four pronouns, only two of which have clear antecdents. What are the antecedents for the “you” in the second sentence and the “you” in the fourth sentence?
It appears that I bother you and this makes me happy to no end. :-D
2. The Priggish Grammar Troll
No matter what the discussion is about, the Priggish Grammar Troll will ignore the argument and pick on the one word you used incorrectly, like alot or misuses of they re, their and there.
Here is the parade to prove it…
I can personally recall at least 30 different occasions, that you grammar nazi’d people IL.
So I’m not really sure where you’re going with this?
The ship is a destroyer.
I can personally recall at least 3000 different occasions, that you troll nazi’d people Gargantua.
This must be 3001?
The ship is only a ‘Destroyer’ insofar as the Graf Spee was a 10,000 ton cruiser allowed by the Treaty of Versailles. The Japanese can use any name they want, but the truth is that is a carrier can be used for offensive military operations and is not “defensive” by the requirement of their constitution after 1945.
Nations often use language in a manner that sweeps away their past.
820 foot Destroyers do not exist. The Yamato was about 863 feet.
I call it as i see it. Carrier or CV. Not AC
I count four pronouns, only two of which have clear antecdents. � What are the antecedents for the “you” in the second sentence and the “you” in the fourth sentence? �
It appears that I bother you and this makes me happy to no end. � :-D
2. The Priggish Grammar Troll
No matter what the discussion is about, the Priggish Grammar Troll will ignore the argument and pick on the one word you used incorrectly, like alot or misuses of they re, their and there.
Here is the parade to prove it…
Um… ok.
They re should be they’re.
For whatever reason, those black diamonds show up and had to be edited out.
Well, there is only one way to settle this…I’ll just walk right over there and ask them. Good thing the Chu-hi stand is on the way!
By the way, it is unholy for the sun to rise at 430am…haven’t these people heard of daylight savings?
Good, I say let the sun rise again over the Sea of Japan.
Just posting here because ripdiapers70 thinks i “bailed” from this thread. Rather nothing noteworthy has been posted since my last post.
It’s good to see the Japanese Armed Forces showing some strength. A country should have the ability to defend itself without relying on Allies.
It’s good to see the Japanese Armed Forces showing some strength. A country should have the ability to defend itself without relying on Allies.
Why do you think Iran is so busy trying to get itself a Nuke?
Because as soon as they have one, they’re off limits. Just like those North Koreans…
Except, we view that thought process as a crime for some reason.
They are off limits only in the sense that they turn into another Korea, which is isolated from the global economy. That is a fate worse than what they had before.