ask Santa.
Since this is interesting…
On 2002-05-22 15:47, yourbuttocks wrote:
As for Japan, by 1914 Japan had siezed Korea and Taiwan, it used the war as an excuse to sieze land in China. Japan wuld have begun it’s drive even earlier with a pacified USSR, nonexsistent U.S. defeated Britian, and China still in Civil WarEven earlier than 1914? Well, Korea and Taiwan were chinese, therefore the Japanese already were seizing land in china, without any Great War. The decline of China was used by all imperialistic nations to grab a few colonies there. And saying they would have started “even earlier” with a pacified russia etc. What you say there is the would-be-state of 1919, without US interference in the Great War. That is much later that 1914 and would not at all have had any difference for China.
Actually the way it was that out of the remaining Powers in the War, Britain was the best off out of the bunch. It did not suffer as many food shortages and treason, which America played a large part in solving. Even if Britain was bankrupted, chances are America would still have provided for the country in different forms of Lend-Lease or Destroyers for Bases. Like you said, French soldiers often mutinied. I believe that out of the greater Western Front, the French Army suffered the most surrenders and desertions. Germany was also starting to crack due to food in munitions shortages. The lack of explosives and ammunition was partly made up due to a German scientists (can’t recall his name) who was actually a Jew! The defeat of Russia did prove a huge psychological boast to the Germans who no longer had to fight a two front war.
On 2002-05-22 11:38, Yanny wrote:
My History Textbook says Greek forces pushed the Austrian forces back through all of Serbia.Does it say, when? Did it mention that the Allies first occupied Greece in 1917 in response to the successes of the central powers on the balkans?
Mr Moose, you know about the “big punch” of the brittish soldier ?
They loose 100,000 men
German loose 6,000 menWhy ? Because they where stupid enought to think mass bombardement could destroy an army in a trench.
And you know what ? They did the same error three time in WWII with mass bombardement.
Also the brittish send a lot of troops from their colonie, that was not quite gentle.
About France, theres was ONE major mutiny and it end with Pétain.
Brittish were no better than French.
If anything, I thought the Greeks would be fighting their traditional enemy, the Ottoman Empire. I’ll try to dig up some information on the matter and post it ASAP.
From the information I found regarding Greece, the Greeks did not enter the war until June 29th, 1917. However, eventually 250,000 Greek soldiers saw action in the war, including the highly successful Vardar (not Vader) Offensive against the Bulgarian Army. Many other Greeks also served in 1915 to help defend the borders of Serbia.
The aftermath of the war cost the Greek Army around 15,000 men killed and another 85,000 wounded.
THe upper anonymous post was by me grmpf again… what my informations say:
5. Oct 1915: Allied troops land in neutral Greece near Saloniki, violating international law (just like Germany when marching in belgium).
6. Oct 1915: 1 austrian-hungarian and one german army start an offensice against serbia
11. Oct 1915: Bulgaria joins the central powers, sends two more armies against Serbia
Jan 1916: Serbia conquered, front stabilizes along the Bulgarian-Greek border
27. Aug. 1916 Rumania joins allied powers and is most of it is conquered by the central powers in the next four month
29. June 1917: Greece enters the war on side of the Allies. -
Pardon me for asking, but what does grmpf mean?
grmpf is just a sound like ack :smile:
Oh, ha stupid me. :grin: Just thought it was some sort of acronym I hadn’t heard about yet.