This story brings out my charitable side. I would like to assume the burden of storing these pieces free of charge to all parties involved. I would be willing to provide safe storage of these pieces indefinitely. If need be I would even cover the financial cost, of having the proper documentation drawn up, to tranfer ownership to me. In his advanced years the owner shouldn’t have to deal with the strain of fighting the government. My charitable act would also save the German tax payers money.
My Dad's WWII scrapbook
About a year ago, I inherited my Dad’s WWII newspaper scrapbook. I didn’t know he actually had it, I just heard about it once in awhile.
“When I was in high school, I followed the war closely and saved newspaper clippings throughout the wars”
When I found out he actually had it, and that it had newspaper articles (especially maps and pictures!) I was quite happy and made sure I was the child to get it.
One such article is the one attached - dated August 5, 1945, one day before an atomic bomb was dropped on a Japanese city, when no newspaperman had any clue. You will see the diagram for part of the planned invasion of Japan.
If anyone has requests for other dates or events, I just might oblige…
When playing Japan, don’t let your opponent take Okinawa! :grimacing: