I am always opened for jokes :lol:
Would you enlist in a war against China/N.Korea?
Then I must resign my commission: no batman, no Captain Wittmann.
I will pray for you all, but without my Sir Douglas Haig leadership from behind the lines in the comfort of my Chateau HQ, roaring fire and brandy, I think you are all doomed to eat Chinese food.
NOBODY has to enlist!!
Thank God for cheap snacks!
“Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of a Chocolate Bar.”
NOBODY has to enlist!!
Why would I want to do that Garg? I’d probably be fighting in and with Chinese made equipment. Walmart cammo made in China. An Airsoft M-4 made in China. Boots made in China. Sent over on a ship probably Chinese too. Sent home in a body bage also probably made in China.
Seriously though if it came to that I go for the Tom Clancy theory that we would sieze China’s assets and reneg on our debts. China is no paper tiger but a war like this is unlikey methinks.
Besides the only thing they can buy is INF and they can’t attack non-Chinese TTs. Plus America would never agree to any HRs allowing them to do so.
mightwould betoughimpossible to pay your military personnel if you can’t raise money by issuing debt. Which is what would happen if suddenly voluntarily defaulted on all outstanding bonds held by China.Bottom line is that these are the two largest and perhaps most co-dependent economies in the world. Which is why the likelihood of a war between them is vanishingly small.
Hooray for global capitalism and the peace it brings!
mightwould betoughimpossible to pay your military personnel if you can’t raise money by issuing debt. Which is what would happen if suddenly voluntarily defaulted on all outstanding bonds held by China.Bottom line is that these are the two largest and perhaps most co-dependent economies in the world. Which is why the likelihood of a war between them is vanishingly small.
Hooray for global capitalism and the peace it brings!
A lot of that would fly out the window depending on the circumstances. I wish I had better details on Clancy’s theory. I agree a war with China N.Korea is unlikely. However if it did happen it would become a world conflict quickly and would bring pretty much every major country into the mix due to the fact that we all need stuff from China.
Raw material would be a big factor too and would determine a lot in which sides joined which.
US supports China. Literally. We make it so China gets raw materials from Africa and we buy Chinese stuff left and right. When China seizes land etc from its people and keep them impoverished so off to cheap labor they go… that drives their export led economy.
Most countries can only be an export led economy for so long until wages get too high and it moves to another country with low wages. China has stayed low for far too long.
Alof of COWards selected NO.
I’m dissappointed.
Well it is not going to happen.
I wouldn’t mind toppling the Chinese Communist Party. For that to happen, they would need a civil war revolution.
America cannot occupy 1.7 billion people effectively. Come on.
Well it is not going to happen.
I wouldn’t mind toppling the Chinese Communist Party. For that to happen, they would need a civil war revolution.
America cannot occupy 1.7 billion people effectively. Come on.
Well, it would certainly be a lot less people if we fought a war and won.
Do you really think all the “SARS” break outs in China are “Natural” events?
Viruses and diseases have a higher likelihood of manifestation when people start living in closer proximity and in bad environmental conditions.
Look at how bad the water they drink is. Couple that with air pollution. Yes, people will create new diseases and viruses in that environment.
well, I sorta guess they would not want me, and I would probably just get a job as an engineer in the weapons industry instead.
My friend told me they would take women and children before they took me :lol:
My friend told me they would take women and children before they took me :lol:
Can you play video games and/or drink coffee? Join the ChAir Force!
I suppose I would. But I think given my profession I’d be stuck in rear echelon units counting boxes. Yet, not sure if it would matter. Any modern war between real world powers would be over by the time anyone could call up its general citizens to war. Ever read Red Storm Rising?
Ever read Red Storm Rising?
Im almost done reading that book!
Pretty good book actually.