Can’t believe anyone would bother saving Episodes 1 & 2 from the incinerator.
While they are exceedingly far from perfect, there are a precious few good choices or scenes.
Casting Ewan McGregor as Obi-wan was an excellent choice in my opinion. Liam Neeson as Qui-gon was good too, though I shrink from calling it excellent. However, like the video points out, their performances were inhibited by a poor script.
The ending lightsaber fight in Ep. I with Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Darth Maul was perhaps the best fight of any Star Wars movie. Definitely worth keeping.
For that matter, Darth Maul was a great bad-guy, but so little was done with him and his role was (intentionally?) left very under-developed. Could have been even better.
I like Sam Jackson as Mace Windu, though the character himself left a little to be desired.
Beyond that, casting was very poor and acting was worse. A good part of that blame must be chalked up to the script, but still…