It’s criminal negligence if you leave drugs or car keys out and somebody gets hurt. If you leave a firearm out its a different matter. Why? Hint Hint……The NRA will not go to bat for your misplaced keys or drugs…
Terri Shindler-Schaivo Right to Die/Live…Your opinion??
GI, are you married?
I do not agree with your view. If we’d been part of the same team in Nam we would have had a few words, if not shared a coupla knuckle samiches. However, bullets make strange buddies!
I support their trying to keep her alive, but if she’s still in a coma after this long, what makes them think she’s going to come out of it now? Also, when I read an article in the paper about Gov. Bush and the FL legislature putting the law through that would put her back on the IV, I read a statement from her husband that she would have wanted the IV pulled. Then I read how her parents said they knew nothing about it, and I just question why they finally put a law into action now.
A few things about this case:
The more I hear about this “procedure” the sicker it makes me.
(Cystic-you are the resident medic-perhaps you could
describe what happens in this “procedure”).The husband Michael should keep his mouth shut- he is comming across as a 1st class Sleezeball. His appearance on the Larry King Softball
game was also sickening. On the program, Michael indicated Teri’s
parents were constantly demanding money….The Media misrepresentation of Teri’s condition is likewise sickening.
She’s been described as comatose when she clearly isn’t…I don’t think this can really be classifed as a “Right to die”
case. Sorry folks this issue gets me really steamed up!El Jefe- excellent topic as usual!
Usually i am on top of these things. I have to confess, this is something i have not been following, and therefore have no grasp of the facts (at least the medical ones, or the proceedure that you are referring to).
Cranford said that Schiavo could survive another five to 10 years if she continues to receive fluids and nourishment, “but the point is she’ll never regain consciousness or improve from her condition.”
So we have to ask, is it worth it to have her stay alive, if she’s not likely to recover?
I think there is something called “waking coma”, maybe CC could explain what is what and where this woman would fit in.
F Alk
Thanks for repeating your opinion a third time, no need to shout though.
I was not repeating my opinion.
Teri is not in a coma nor a waking coma-
that is a fact.For “shouting” I sincerely apologise to All.
I was not repeating my opinion.
Teri is not in a coma nor a waking coma-
that is a fact.Right, but the fact remains, she has not been what could be called conscious for 13 years now. If her parents wish to continue trying to save her life, then I commend that decision. However, I do not think that the government has a right to force them to keep her alive, should her parents and the doctors decide to give up on it.
GI- The point of the case is
The parents want to care for her and the husband wants the feeding tube gone. I wrestled with this case for a long time since I don’t think the Government should be involved in these types of decisions. My opinion changed for all the reasons I listed in my original response.Incidentally, the Law passed by the Florida legislature and signed by gov. Bush bans the “medical procedure” that would have Killed teri. As
fas I know it doesn’t ban euthanasia. I have a problem with euthanasia since it reminds me of the old “Eugenics” laws here in America as well as those of the Third Reich.