• Sponsor


    As a person who enjoys acting, and engaging in total-persona, I don’t think I can fairly answer this question without getting indicted for a hate crime lol…

    Just think millitary, and forget about the forced labour and final solution stuff.

  • looks promising IL ,how are you dealing with France and Greece in the meantime? and how would you deal with the Oil problems Germany had?

    The Soviets, Hungary and Romania would export under new trade agreements where participants would receive land grants in say Yugoslavia and Greece. Other oil would come from sending a proper force to Africa and taking it from British influence. The goal is to make as many partners in crime as possible with the goal of further isolation of UK.

    When the war starts ( about 1943) France would be dispatched in the first year, Greece would be after.

    In the case of France, i would be more proactive in seizing her post-defeat fleet.

    The only issue was if the French government was going to extend the Maginot wall to the channel… I think they would not have the funds in time.

    Also, the total waste of resources for the Final Solution would be used for labor camps building war material in our factories. Under no circumstances would we be dealing with ghettos or killing people for racial reasons.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Also, the total waste of resources for the Final Solution would be used for labor camps building war material in our factories. Under no circumstances would we be dealing with ghettos or killing people for racial reasons.

    What about political opponents?

  • What about political opponents?

    They go back to Canada and freeze.

  • If I were Hitler in 1940 I would convince all the subhumans in East Poland, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Baltic states etc that I was there to liberate them from Jewish Bolshevism, be nice and turn them to my side, and use them to kill Stalin and the Reds.  Then with the power vacuum and ensuing civil war I would promote various nationalist and ethnic movements to get them fighting amongst themselves.  Let the civil war reduce the slavic population by a few tens of millions and then when they are are their weakest I would sweep in with the SS to finish the job.  Finally, once all my enemies are dead I would kill my friends.

  • Germany represented the pinnacle of success in the summer of 1939.  In the arts, technology, the socioeconomic arena……in just about everything, Germany stood at the forefront of the world.  I would not have gone to war.  Instead, I would have been happy with the fact that I changed Germany from a broken, failed state into one of the world’s economic powerhouses.  I would have enjoyed this success and continued to strive for a better tomorrow for all Germans.  I would have made all of Speer’s little models onto a reality.  I would have worked for a better world…one led by German’s example, not by it’s destruction.

  • Well the Nuremberg laws didn’t help Germany socially or culturally for the world, but aside from racial policies it can be argued Germany was looking promising from 1933.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Germany represented the pinnacle of success in the summer of 1939.  In the arts, technology, the socioeconomic arena……in just about everything, Germany stood at the forefront of the world.  I would not have gone to war.  Instead, I would have been happy with the fact that I changed Germany from a broken, failed state into one of the world’s economic powerhouses.  I would have enjoyed this success and continued to strive for a better tomorrow for all Germans.  I would have made all of Speer’s little models onto a reality.  I would have worked for a better world…one led by German’s example, not by it’s destruction.

    I would have shot for this.

    But I think the reality, from reading the political climates at the time, is that Europe was due for war one way or another…

  • Sponsor

    Germany was only a few good decisions away from ruling all of Europe and maybe even Africa, I would have went to war and hoped for better fortunes.

  • YG, if you could postpone war until 1943 (let’s assume that’s possible), as IL suggests, would you take control of Hitler before the invasion of Poland and trade the unbelievable tactical success of that campaign for the strategic success of not being at war?

    Part of all of the “everything known in retrospect” is that we know for sure what the British and French reaction to the invasion of Poland is – Hitler believed that they would cave and continue to appease him.

    If we are, indeed, framing the hypothetical after Germans had boots on the ground in Poland, I’d have to wonder what the climate would look like if Hitler made a pact with Stalin that he intended to keep. London falls and the US has to stand alone against the combined might of Japan, Germany and its little puppet to the south, and the USSR.

  • Capture the British at Dunkirk, do no aggression against England, build fighters and radar, work on a nuclear bomb, and leave Russia alone!

  • If Germany delayed the war to 1943, URRS would have conquered all east Europe, maybe even Norway, Hungary, the Balkans…

    If I were Hitler…
    After capturing Paris I’d try to make a deal with UK: Dear UK, we give back France to the French for free as kong as we ceasefire and you two join the Axis for a better Europe.

    If they accept… next target is Russia.
    If they refuse… France will know that UK betrayed them, then I woild still offer them liberation to fight together the UK. I’ll try to focus all on UK.

  • '17 '16 '15

    I like il 's quote “once russia was defeated” makes it sound so easy

    I would declare il a war criminal and eradicate his dna from the planet

  • URRS would have conquered all east Europe, maybe even Norway, Hungary, the Balkans…

    First they would need to figure out how to fight in Finland with overwhelming odds…and avoid a DOW from the allies for invading Norway, Hungary, Balkans, etc.

  • @Imperious:

    URRS would have conquered all east Europe, maybe even Norway, Hungary, the Balkans…

    First they would need to figure out how to fight in Finland with overwhelming odds…and avoid a DOW from the allies for invading Norway, Hungary, Balkans, etc.

    The Axis helped Finland (especially Italy, -sriously- ) with weapons and supplies. UK couldnt care less (Russia did expand before germany’s dow. The Allies didnt care less)

    Like for Poland. Uk and France dowd only Germany.

  • Good point Noll. Did Britain ever ask Stalin to give back the half of Poland he took in 39?
    I wonder if anyone knows. Was Britain(Chamberlain) scared to challenge him?
    I am interested in battles and commanders and have never bothered with the politics and politicians.

  • I would let it play out untill Dunkirk before I strategical intervene, except the Military production.
    Allready implementing standard systems and manufacturing as well as armour and ammo production.

    Opel Blitz would be main deliverer of Opel Blitz Maultiers and trucks with modifications (Carden-Lloyd-Laufwerk) Halftracks like the SdKfz 250 and 251.
    Mercedes would be Main Deliverer of Medic and Radio Trucks and Supply Trucks. (this effect will eliminate the abundace of vehikels and decrease the use of too many horses)

    Tanks would only be developed with 7.5 cm and 8.8 cm guns, reconaissance with 2cm guns Standard.
    Panzer II, III,and IV would still be manufactored but with diffrent options.
    Panzer II would be produced as 10,5 cm Artillery “Wasp” and carrier and as Lynx Reconaissance Tank (by development)
    Panzer III would be manuf. as StuG´s and StuG Ausf. H (further developments)
    Panzer IV would be the main Tank with a 7.5 cm Gun and further developed.
    -Also be used for selfpropelled Artillery Guns (Hummel with rotary turret).
    (this will effect the abundance of the variety of tanks with diffrent calibers according to their Guns)

    Further researches for better Tanks like the Panther would also be pushed.(Germans knew allready of the existens of the T-34 but simply underestimated it)

    Chech Tanks would be raw modells for Tankdestroyers like the “Hetzer”

    Speer would be immediatly in charge of the manufacturing in Germany.

    Göring and other names would be fired or banned into exil.

    The Wehrmacht would receive Luftwaffen liaison officer for better cooperating in battle between Tanks and Luftwaffe, so will the Navy. The Luftwaffe it self would be split in three diffrent parts and diffrent types of planes.
    So is the first part for the Wehrmacht stocked with mainly Stukkas and Fighters, The Navy with Fighters and types for their specific use and the Luftwaffe HQ with Fighters , Strat.- and Tac Bombers.
    (this will erase the missuse of Hierarchy and missunderstandings)

    Ways of using the Fallshirmjäger later on would be as well researched.

    For the Kriegsmarine (Navy) is planned to get 2-3 Aircraftcarriers with a hold of aprox. 30 - 35 planes to carry and another Bismarck class and named after Schlieffen and bigger subs with Snorkel.

    Strategy: Taking Dunkirk by proceeding with the Armies with NO halt.
    After that turing down south towards Paris as happend in WWII. Finishing the campagne of Greece and the Balkans.
    Sending forces for Unternehmen Sonnenblume to aid Italian in the Africa campagne plus one additional Forces.
    (England will not be invaded but cut off from all suplies by the wolfsrudel)
    Unternehmen Brabarossa will not begin before spring 1942!
    With the now manufactured Military armament and gained experience I could now strike into Russia and move torwards Moskow.
    Then cease fire and get another trade with Russia by end of ´42 start of ´43. At this time England should be isolated and cut off by any supplies. If Russia or England should not surrender or sign a treaty, then another attack with the now more advanced technologies of weapon will do the rest.

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    URRS would have conquered all east Europe, maybe even Norway, Hungary, the Balkans…

    First they would need to figure out how to fight in Finland with overwhelming odds…and avoid a DOW from the allies for invading Norway, Hungary, Balkans, etc.

    I imagine they could avoid a DOW from the Allies for invading Hungary, Balkans etc. by using the dame method they used in real life.

  • by using the dame method …

    Axis Sally?

  • Would had shot Göring at latest 1937, and doubled the R&D for jet fighters. Sent Speer to USA to learn stuff about mass production. Would had NOT DOW USA.

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