Gallipoli is also an excellent Mel Gibson movie before Mel Gibson went nutso. Great movie about a terrible operation. I blame Churchill.
Today is the Day!!!
September 18th! Anyone get any shipment varifications yet?
Not yet. Waiting patiently!
Not yet.
Who did you order from? I ordered from miniature market, and I’m still waiting too.
They are not for sale on Amazon UK yet.
Am looking every day. -
Mini Market also and I have not received any notification yet.
That does not bode well.
I am unhappy for you, but glad for the heads up. -
yea weird, I got a notification from cool stuff 3 days before the release of 41 and 42 2nd. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Clearly we’ve been drinking the cool-aid…
I ordered at Miniature Market too. I did speak to someone there and they told me the games came in over the weekend and they were working on rerceiving them and they would ship soon. The web site does say they have a 2 day delay on shipping. Not sure when the 2 days start though. Does that mean 2 day delay from today the release day or 2 days from the day they received them? Either way, I hope to have it by Friday. If it ships by tomorrow I should be OK.
Also, if you look at 12-7 games and cool stuff inc, they do not list them as preorders anymore. Hopefully thats a good sign that they received their copies too!
Cool, I thought maybe Mini Mart didn’t send shipping varifications or something. Thanks.
I ordered from 12-7 Games. According to the UPS tracking, it went out Friday, and should arrive either today or tomorrow. Woo! :-D
I ordered from 12-7 Games. According to the UPS tracking, it went out Friday, and should arrive either today or tomorrow. Woo!  :-D
I almost ordered from them. Problem is they are incorporated in IL and I live in IL so I’d get the sales tax. Miniature Market is in MO so no tax. saved me $10. And last time Miniature Market had the game (1942 2nd edition) to me the day before release day, so I figured I’d have it today for sure. No such luck, but that’s OK. just want to play this weekend so if I don’t get it by Friday, I’m screwed.
I’ve just called the local store at which I had reserved my copies in advance. They said they hadn’t received them yet. With the previous few A&A games, their track record was to receive them one day ahead of the scheduled release date, then to sell them on the official day. So based on their good previous performance, I’m inclined to think there’s been some kind of delay at the level of the distributors.
Well, I just went to my favorite LGS and bought Pacific 1940 2nd ed right there. At home I took all the Anzac units, japanese mech inf + AAA + Tac bomber, the UK, 25 pdrs, AAA, their mech inf + DD etc etc and put all those units with the ones that where already on my Global War 1939 map 2nd ed. I already got some nice Italian units from FMG, so no rush to buy E40 second ed now, may be later, and I do have some units from 1941 and 1942 2nd ed too. And you guys are still waiting for yours ? :evil:
JG 8-)
My Europe 1940 2nd edition from coolstuffinc has shipped and it says it’ll come tomorrow, so I’m very excited :-).
Well, I was able to pick up the two games today after all. Looking forward to having a first look at them when I get home later this evening.
That’s a LIE Marc!
I - kid… and am quite jealous! I have to call my local supplier to check today…
With all the past editions, and the new custom table I just built, I’ve sunk about $1500 into my A&A gaming experience. That’s no lie Gargantua, as you will find out this spring. Needless to say, I won’t be ordering the 2nd editions.