Best are Stallingrad, The Fighting Lady, Avengers: End game. captain Marvel and The Longest Day, these are best so far, infact I saw all of them by using coupons through Florida Ticket Station, if you need to watch them, you can easily buy tickets from there.
Greatest Star Wars Movie
With Episode VIII of the Star Wars Saga out now in theatre, what are your three favorites?
Pretty easy:
1. Empire Strikes Back - can’t add anything that hasn’t been said ad nauseam: one example is that it has the best score.
2. A New Hope - the greatest “tentpole” film of all time.
3. Return of the Jedi - I’m in the minority on this but I love the first act on Tatooine. I just wish Lucas stuck to the original plan of having Luke look for his actual sister and build up to a final confrontation with the Emperor later on. Maybe three more movies would’ve been too much but I feel too much was crammed into the end. Bringing back the Death Star also set a precedent that’s been abused in subsequent films. -
This new film is a complete and total pile of crap. Awful movie. Really awful Star Wars.
Very well put General Veers.
Episode IV-VI is my SW Universe and reading a lot of books from SW gave me a lot of insight.
I was very Happy to See Rogue One as a Spin-off to EP IV and took the time to watch R1 plus EP IV together wich is working in total harmonie for me.
But SW ended kinda to me with VII and VIII.I would have loved to See General Thrawn taking over the Empire and reestablishing it to the reapearing of Darth Ceadius, followed by the Yuuzhan Vong war.
It remains as a dream…
This new film is a complete and total pile of crap. Awful movie. Really awful Star Wars.
There were SOME decent elements to it like the vast improvements to the characters of Kylo Ren and Rey but the many subplots that went nowhere were terrible, as well as odd tonal shifts. This was the first SW movie that felt tedious to me.
Harder to decide the worst between I and II.
Have to go for I as I have at least completely forgotten II.
Grown men debating the best Star Wars movie?!?!
Where’s Lord Curtmungus when you need him? He should all over this! :evil:
This new film is a complete and total pile of crap. Awful movie. Really awful Star Wars.
I’ll be seeing the new film with some friends sometime in early 2018 – and frankly, based on what I thought of its Episode VII predecessor, what frimmel said is pretty much what I’m expecting. The original trilogy remains, to me, the best of the series. All three of its films are “the best” in their own unique ways: A New Hope because it was the groundbreaker, and because if there’s one film of the series that can stand alone for all of Star Wars, it’s that one; The Empire Strikes Back because of its effective and unexpected dark tone and serious substance; and Return of the Jedi because it was (as one ILM staffer described it) the “Ph.D. degree” of the original trilogy (after the original Bachelor’s and Masters degrees of the first two films) which wrapped up the saga in a satisfying way, and which showed that the series had attained its full level of confidence and craft, both in terms of storytelling and special effects.
I found Episode VII to be a confusing and unengaging mess. I felt that I was watching not just a reboot of A New Hope but a bad reboot. (That was also my reaction to the Hobbit movie trilogy in relation to the LotR movie trilogy.) I couldn’t take the Episode VII heroes seriously, and even worse I couldn’t take the villains seriously. In the original trilogy, the Imperials were sinister in a cold, serious, believable way; in Episode VII, the new bad guys struck me as being over-the-top hysterical shriekers. In the original trilogy, Darth Vader was a towering (literally and figuratively) villain; his successor in Episode VII struck me as being an angst-ridden minor villain who’s consciously trying to be evil rather than actually being evil. I kind of agree with a reviewer at the time who wrote that Episode VII makes Episodes I, II and III of the prequel trilogy look like “a noble failure” rather than the more uncharitable things they were called when they first came out.
 I kind of agree with a reviewer at the time who wrote that Episode VII makes Episodes I, II and III of the prequel trilogy look like “a noble failure” rather than the more uncharitable things they were called when they first came out.
and i hope that was Georg’s plan all the way since making EP I to III and is his way to apologize to his fans.
Jar Jar Abrams, who needs Jar jar Abrams… :roll:
nothing beats SW II in terms of sheer unwatchable, awfulness… “Your skin is soft… not like sand”… barf…
Think about it, if SW I, II, and III had been released as standalone movies, they would have been laughed at as complete dreck.
As everyone knows, SW VI suffers from the ewoks. Truly a harbinger of bad decision of Lucas to come.
I actually like Rouge One, despite the obvious PC drive to make the protagonist a girl. Funny thing though is that the strongest character in Rouge One is Director Krenik in my opinion. He’s a smart guy trying to make something work in the face of power grubbing officials and rebellious technical advisors. The girl protagonist is a total nothing.
SW VII was such a copy of SW IV that it offered me nothing. It’s totally superfluous. Unnecessary. Also incomprehensible: once the star killer has sucked up the attendant sun for power, how does it recharge? It’s a friggin planet. It can’t move to another solar system. One shot, and it’s done.
I haven’t watched SW VIII, but my impression is it isn’t very good.
Well this thing I sat through this weekend was definitely one of the worst. Terrible dialog, low IQ humour, shallow characters, predictable and dumb plot, ham fisted politically correct diversity agenda, annoying animated muppets (including Yoda), and to top it off they even did yet another millenium-falcon-flies-through-a-cave-sequence. CRAP.
The best Star Wars movies are the ones not made by Disney or nearly feature some fuzzy animal or animal that will soon be made into a toy. That leaves the first movie.
Harder to decide the worst between I and II.
Have to go for I as I have at least completely forgotten II.
One issue about Ep. I is that noone can connect from younger Anakin to padawan Anakin. Would have been better IMO to start with padawan Anakin and beginning of Clone wars as ep. I. Ep. II could be middle Clone wars.
The episode II was good at mirroring Ep. V elements, Anakin loosing an hand and a love story.
But the actual love affair was not prepared enough and was not convincing between actors. Hence, episode I could not induce enough of this between a young boy and a young adult Padme. In that case, Obi-Wan was a much better candidate for Padme. The missing continuity would be better solved with an alternate Ep. I Clone Wars begin.IMO, Jar Jar was meant to be Darth Jar Jar (which is Force infatuating young Anakin for Padme in ep.1, btw) to be the big revelation of Ep. II, like “I’m your Father” of Ep. V. But there was so much backlashes that it makes it impossible to affectionate this goofy caracter and makes audience feels the treason as intended.
If you don’t believe Jar Jar is more than meet the eyes, just look at the last Clones Wars Cartoon series. His background is far more complex and he is playing with alternate aspects of Force with other adepts while eliminating a Dark Side adversary of Palpatine. He is able to do some kind of peaceful Tai-Chi moves with ease. Far off his usual overtly clumsiness. interesting but fictional alternate story I read is that making Anakin jealous of Obi-Wan about Padme would have been a more convincing part of him turning Dark Side.
Episode VII elements and environment are from Episode IV, but the story narrative is mirroring Episode I. Rey is a Mary Sue with Millenium Falcon and the Force the same way Anakin is good at everything with mechanical and lucky pilot to destroy Federation Cruiser (There is no such thing as luck according to old Obi-Wan).
Luke is an authentic Force initiate with flaws (too old and impatient) rather than a blessed with (strong in) the Force character.
Far easier to identify with him.
Episode I and VII got plenty of characters and it becomes difficult to identify with.
My guess the fans viewing Ep. VII connected much more in a glimpse with Han (trying to save Kylo), Chewie (firing at Kylo) and Leia (mourning Han) than Rey, Finn or Poe (trying to destroy Starkiller base, same piece of cake as Anakin vs Trade Fed. in Ep.I ).Another point is uncertainty of character’s Fate, Ep. I to III suffered from this because of nature of prequel. Obiwan, Padme and Anakin cannot die until they fulfill their part to achieve Ep.IV story points. A Fan have to try to forget he knows the future of the story.
Connecting and identifying with characters is a real deal to enjoy such action movies. -
The best Star Wars movies are the ones not made by Disney or nearly feature some fuzzy animal or animal that will soon be made into a toy. That leaves the first movie.
I like these little furry human-flesh eaters.
Guess what they cooked for aftermath party?
Stormtroopers noodles soup. -
Grown men debating the best Star Wars movie?!?!
Where’s Lord Curtmungus when you need him? He should all over this! :evil:
Maybe is body double might chime in. But he would unmasked himself and revealed to all community : “I am his father.” Kind of thing.
Empire Strikes Back is the best ever.
I agree.
Empire Strikes Back is the best ever.
I agree.
When Leia is telling she loves him, just before carbonite freezing. The answer is priceless:
“Han replies, “I know,” with the ghost of a smile on his face.”
That was so in character moment. :)But it is far less cheers up as Episode IV.