Dont remember my first ever Axis game, but if that counts, my first Global 1940. Some friends played that before, I came to one evening, curious and duly impressed by that beast of a map. I thought I play it safe and opted to take Germany (the bidding in this group is, say, unsophisticated … we still do it that way, of course), set up my pieces and swoop in with some planes to sink those lonely UK/French ships.
“I am going to scramble three fighters here, and one there”…hm, wtf, scrambling? Whats that?
“Oh, and I use my secret UK national advantage” (also something new to me, one of Ozteas ideas that I came to like later, but not exactly at this point)…hm, wtf, Enigma, you knew my ships were coming, retreated with all but one ship and now have a super stack in one sz?
So after I finish G1 I am conspicuously short of German air with not much to show for it. I proceeded with a bit more caution after that, surrendered rather meekly not exactly in a two-digit round and it took some more games before I got over my deep mislikening of Global :)