• Official Q&A



    The maximum damage that an industrial complex can sustain at one time is twice the IPC value of the territory.

    So, by virtue of this statement, am I to assume that if UK gets Increased Factory Production that it is still only possible for the Axis to SBR UK down to -16 and not -20?


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    The maximum damage that an industrial complex can sustain at one time is twice the IPC value of the territory.

    So, by virtue of this statement, am I to assume that if UK gets Increased Factory Production that it is still only possible for the Axis to SBR UK down to -16 and not -20?


    Which is what makes USA with Improved Factories and ICs in Libya/Algeria so wicked!  You can only do 2 damage, which means if they are unrepaired, America can still put two units into each of them!

    However, I wonder, if you have an IC on a territory (for argument’s sake, Solomon Islands) that has 0 Value and you get Improved Factories, can you build 2 units there SBR immune?

  • @Cmdr:

    However, I wonder, if you have an IC on a territory (for argument’s sake, Solomon Islands) that has 0 Value and you get Improved Factories, can you build 2 units there SBR immune?

    I certainly wouldn’t think so - sounds kind of like a caspian sub!!  :-D

  • @Cmdr:




    The maximum damage that an industrial complex can sustain at one time is twice the IPC value of the territory.

    So, by virtue of this statement, am I to assume that if UK gets Increased Factory Production that it is still only possible for the Axis to SBR UK down to -16 and not -20?

    rules say you can only place ICs in territs with IPC value of at least 1


    Which is what makes USA with Improved Factories and ICs in Libya/Algeria so wicked!  You can only do 2 damage, which means if they are unrepaired, America can still put two units into each of them!

    However, I wonder, if you have an IC on a territory (for argument’s sake, Solomon Islands) that has 0 Value and you get Improved Factories, can you build 2 units there SBR immune?

  • Official Q&A


    However, I wonder, if you have an IC on a territory (for argument’s sake, Solomon Islands) that has 0 Value and you get Improved Factories, can you build 2 units there SBR immune?

    No, because you can’t build an IC on a territory that has no IPC value.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Hmm, I’m sure it’s in the rules, I just don’t remember seeing it.

    Would be logical if you could, it just wouldn’t make sense without having the technology. (Not that I can imagine a lot of spots where it would be useful….)

  • @Cmdr:

    Hmm, I’m sure it’s in the rules, I just don’t remember seeing it.

    Would be logical if you could, it just wouldn’t make sense without having the technology. (Not that I can imagine a lot of spots where it would be useful….)

    Sure - if it was allowed - to have an IC that produces 2 units per round and is completely immune from SBR?!  Sign me up!

  • if it were allowed, gibraltar could get sneaky :-P :lol:

  • Is the Bering sea sz64 adjacent to WCA? It doesn’t appear so.

  • Official Q&A

    No, it isn’t.

  • Moderator

    Rules question on Successful Tech Roll:

    You can only gain 1 tech per turn, but say you bought 3 rolls and rolled 2 sixes, so you get to roll for your (one) tech.  Is the second 6 lost?  Or will you get to roll for another tech on the following turn with the second 6?

  • It is lost Darth. I think the wording in the rule book “of at least one six” somewhat spells this out.

  • Moderator

    Thanks, kind of what I thought but figured it was worth a shot asking.  :-)

    Here’s another question:

    What happens when you conquer an IC that has been damaged?

    Say Germany bomber Kar for 4 damage.  Russia never repairs and Germany then takes Kar later in the game.  Does Germany get full production immediately?  Or do they need to repair it first?

    Also if Ger gets full production immediately, what happens if Russia retakes it, do they automatically get full production (thus bypassing repairing it)?  Or does it revert back to Russian control but still with the previous damage?

  • Official Q&A

    When you capture or liberate an IC, you get all of the damage markers along with it.  I’m sure the Soviets will appreciate it if Germany captures their factory and repairs it for them!

  • I got a question far you Kreighound. What happens to a countries research tokens when their capitol is lost. I assume they keep them as under the section on conquering a capitol it states that a country without a capital cannot conduct research however no where is it clearly spelled out what happens to a countries research tokens in the above situation.

  • @a44bigdog:

    … What happens to a countries research tokens when their capitol is lost. …

    According to the FAQ they are lost.

  • Official Q&A

    P@nther is correct.  They are lost, along with any unmobilized units that you may still have in the Mobilization Zone.  This was an omission in the rules that was corrected in the FAQ.

  • Query if anyone knows the answer. Is it possible to purchase as many AA guns as you want for a territory(say UK)? If you have say 5 AA guns and get the Rockets technology cold you then launch 5 rocket attacks on Germany? It does say under the _shoot down air units _rule that- “If there is more than one antiaircraft gun in a territory, only one can fire” but is this only for attacking planes, not shooting rockets?


  • Official Q&A


    Query if anyone knows the answer. Is it possible to purchase as many AA guns as you want for a territory(say UK)? If you have say 5 AA guns and get the Rockets technology cold you then launch 5 rocket attacks on Germany? It does say under the _shoot down air units _rule that- “If there is more than one antiaircraft gun in a territory, only one can fire” but is this only for attacking planes, not shooting rockets?


    It’s true of rocket attacks as well.  Only one AA per territory may fire per turn.  In addition, a given industrial complex may only be targeted by one AA gun per turn.  You can have as many AA guns in a territory as you like, however any beyond one give you no benefit.

    However, if the AA guns belong to different powers and they both have rockets, they can each fire one rocket from the territory on their own turn.__

  • Hello all  :-D

    I came upon an awkward scenario in my last game:

    I played UK and I had taken france and had an IC on it.  I however lost UK from the germans on thier turn… so at this point I surrendered my $$$ to Germany… also I can no longer produce any units according to the rules.  Now on my following turn I could not get my units back to UK so I pushed forward and successfully took Germany.  Now to my understanding he had to surrender all the $$$ he had back to me and could no longer produce units…  So at this point I had $$$ but I was not allowed to produce units even though I had his capital or even an IC in France correct?

    Thanks for any responses!

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