yea it’s a little different than the oob tech. It uses an “Elite” which combines the marine and para unit. Also an “Air Transport”.
Elite is a A2 D2 M1 +1M w/tank (can blitz with tank), C5 unit. It may be transported by Cruisers and Battleships on a 1:1 basis. It may be Air Transported into combat or ncm by Air transports on a 1:1 basis
Air Transport is a A0 D0 M5 +1 w/AB C6 unit. It may transport Elite units in either combat move or ncm on a 1:1 basis. May be taken as casualty.
Re @FMErwinRommel’s idea, if ones opponent agrees, then just edit the para tech for everybody and see how it goes. As AetV says you’d want to test it.
personally wouldn’t like the marine on the ftr though. Although BBs and CAs didn’t have regiment sized Marines, they did haul some around, so it’s not completely ahistorical. Just my opinion though :)